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It's always the way of these poor lil things can't stand no good news at all people coming home and the like not much worth, these women crying reglar can't help it. Well, you see, they're tender-hearteder than us, and when anybody's been five years... Be gough, we're making way, though! The island's going under, for sure. Or is it my eyes that isn't so clear since my bit of a bullet-wound!

Charles asked me to look at a new purchase he had made in Pennsylvania. The strange man was lounging about the stalls when we went in, inspecting the horses with a knowing air. "I declare, sir," said Jesse, "I am afeared to tackle this ere animal; he's a reglar brute, and no mistake." "He'll be tame enough; he is but four years old." "He's never been in a carriage," said the man.

That's the reason the dog warn't appinted. A dog can't be depended on to carry out a special providence. Mark my words it was a put-up thing. Accidents don't happen, boys. Uncle Lem's dog I wish you could a seen that dog. He was a reglar shepherd or ruther he was part bull and part shepherd splendid animal; belonged to parson Hagar before Uncle Lem got him.

His face wuz covered with his bandanna, from whence issued deep groans, and I felt I must be calm to boy him up, and I sez: "Be sure, Josiah, to keep your feet dry, take your cough medicine reglar, go to meetin' stiddy, keep the pumps from freezin', and may God bless you," sez I. And then again I busted into tears. The hard-hearted engine snorted and puffed, and we wuz off.

I tell thee, Barnet, that the nex age will be wiser and better than this; and do you think that it will imply itself a reading of your trajadies? This is misantrofy, Barnet reglar Byronism; and you ot to have a better apinian of human natur. Your apinion about the actors I shan't here meddle with.

'As many as I can. 'Humph! you should blaze 'em off all round, and work 'em reglar. You han't more than a month's "brushing" now. Are you married? 'No, replied Robert, waxing fierce internally at this catechism. 'Are you? by way of retaliation. 'This twenty year. Raised most of our family in the States. The old woman's spry enough yet, as you'll see when you come to the "Corner."

That's the reason the dog warn't appinted. A dog can't be depended on to carry out a special providence. Mark my words it was a put-up thing. Accidents don't happen, boys. Uncle Lem's dog I wish you could a seen that dog. He was a reglar shepherd or ruther he was part bull and part shepherd splendid animal; belonged to parson Hagar before Uncle Lem got him.

"Never mind," sez Albert Edard, "I'm glad to see you, Mister Ward, at all events," & he tuk my hand so plesunt like & larfed so sweet that I fell in love with him to onct. He handid me a segar & we sot down on the Pizarro & commenst smokin rite cheerful. "Wall," sez I, "Albert Edard, how's the old folks?" "Her Majesty & the Prince are well," he sed. "Duz the old man take his Lager beer reglar?"

Blewitt's gentleman, there was scarcely any betwixt our masters, mine being too much of the aristoxy to associate with one of Mr. Blewitt's sort. Blewitt was what they call a bettin man; he went reglar to Tattlesall's, kep a pony, wore a white hat, a blue berd's-eye handkercher, and a cut-away coat.

So wrote at least our friend Jools to his newspaper, the Horriflam; and of this back-parlor and baggytell-bord, of this counter, of this "Constantinople" Divan, he became almost as reglar a frequenter as the plaster of Parish Turk who sits smoking a hookey between the two blue coffee-cups in the winder.