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Now tell me all about it." "Bah!" replied Willis, "I hated to do it, but I had to. I was going to ask the old boy what Mr. Williams would say to him, but I thought better of it. To-night is when I have my fun. I'll tell my uncle about our deal and watch him squirm. I wonder if he'll get mad. I can tell by the way he acts if this recording business was a put-up job.

Potter and the girls left the dining-room, and Frank and his father discussed the disestablishment of the Church in Wales, a measure which Frank thought would be a pity, but which was advocated by the Potter press. Johnny cracked nuts in silence. He thought the Church insincere, a put-up job, but that dissenters were worse. They should all be abolished, with other shams.

"Of course it is," she said gently. "But a strong man bears his disappointments without wincing. I think you're acting nobly." "Say, Graeme, will you have me as best man?" "Delighted, my dear fellow. Miss Penny has been breaking her heart at thought of having no partner at the ceremony." "Right! Then we'll say no more about it. How did you all come to meet here? Put-up job?"

I said 'Good night' then and turned in. There was no getting away from that buggy. Whenever Mary's sister started hinting about a buggy, I reckoned it was a put-up job between them. III. The Ghost of Mary's Sacrifice. When I got to Gudgeegong I stopped at Galletly's coach-shop to leave the cart. The Galletlys were good fellows: there were two brothers one was a saddler and harness-maker.

"Say, Deacon," he began, "I've been waiting to see you. I know what is on to-night. I want you to know it was a put-up job. It was the schoolteacher worked it. The stuff was doped all right. The Preacher went there to stop it as he did the other time, but they fooled him and trapped him." "Yes, I thought so," said the little deacon, "and how was it worked?" "Well, I don't just exactly know.

Of course I can't let the Beverly-Joneses know that it was a put-up job. I must set fire to the office as soon as I get back. But it's worth it. And I'll have to singe Robinson about the face and hands. But it's worth that too! VI. To Nature and Back Again

"I'll be damned if I do!" cried the conductor fiercely, and down he jumped and stood ready to help Hector from the omnibus. But his kindness was more than Hector could stand; he walked away, unable to thank him. "I wonder now," muttered the conductor to himself when Hector was gone, "if that was a put-up job between him and the woman? I don't think so. Anyhow, it's no great loss to anybody.

"Didn't take you more'n a week to change your mind about pullin' it off with that tinhorn scrapper in the courts, did it?" "No," said Winton. "'Tain't none o' my business, but I'd like to know what stampeded you." "A telegram," shortly. "It was a put-up job to have me locked up on a criminal charge, and so hold me out another day." Biggin grinned. "The old b'iler-buster again.

It was a put-up job. I tell you, my son, you've been guided and guarded. Why, you didn't even see that the child was grown up till I drew your attention to it." There was no use pretending I liked it. I didn't. I said, "Thank you. If a thing comes off it's your doing, and if it doesn't it's mine." He said it looked like that.

That's the reason the dog warn't appinted. A dog can't be depended on to carry out a special providence. Mark my words it was a put-up thing. Accidents don't happen, boys. Uncle Lem's dog I wish you could a seen that dog. He was a reglar shepherd or ruther he was part bull and part shepherd splendid animal; belonged to parson Hagar before Uncle Lem got him.