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In the bed of shining sand lay coloured stones like jewels, and the women knelt on them, beating wet bundles of scarlet and puce with palm branches. The watcher on the roof knew that they were laughing and chattering together though she could not hear them.

Realising that it could be nobody else, she began to cry quite hysterically, subsiding upon a Berlin woolwork covered sofa, while her niece rang the bell for that customary Convent restorative, a teaspoonful of essence of orange-flower in a glass of water, and returning to the side of her agitated relative, took her hand, encased in a tight one-button puce glove, saying: "Dear Aunt Constantia, what is the use of crying?

Knowing that the queen loved that those around her should be bravely attired, Ned dressed himself in the suit that he had only worn once or twice when he had attended the prince to meetings of the Estates. It was of a puce coloured satin, slashed with green, with a short mantle of the same material, with the cape embroidered in silver. The bonnet was to match, with a small white feather.

He himself and his aunt attracted no attention, whatever, from passersby; her costume being exactly similar to those worn by the wives of merchants, while Philip would have passed anywhere as a young Huguenot gentleman, in his doublet of dark puce cloth, slashed with gray, his trunks of the same colour, and long gray hose.

I felt very drowsy, and was holding Mlle. de Brabender's hand in mine, when the door opened and my aunt entered, followed by my mother. I can see them now, my aunt in her dress of puce silk trimmed with fur, her brown velvet hat tied under her chin with long, wide strings, and mamma, who had taken off her dress and put on a white woollen dressing-gown.

It was as if a spring had been loosed. Priam shut the door and shut out the ray of the street lamp. "I'm afraid there's no light here," said he. "I'll strike a match," said the doctor. "Thanks very much," said Priam. The flare of a wax vesta illumined the splendours of the puce dressing-gown. But Dr. Cashmore did not blench.

Whereupon the envied of all painters, the symbol of artistic glory and triumph, had assumed the valet's notorious puce dressing-gown and established himself in a hard chair for a night of discomfort. The bell rang once more, and there was a sharp impressive knock that reverberated through the forlorn house in a most portentous and terrifying manner. It might have been death knocking.

"As for Jocky Black," continued my grandmother, "the pomp of the atomy 'In the name of the law, says he I'd law him! I would e'en nip his bit stick from his puir twisted fingers and gie him his paiks that is, if it were worth the trouble! As for me, get me my bonnet, Jen my best Sunday leghorn with the puce chenille in it I must look my featest going to a great house to pay my respects.

About the nature of women he read in Michelet. But he must send me La Vie de Jesus by M. Leo Taxil. Lent it to his friend. C'est tordant, vous savez. Moi, je suis socialiste. Je ne crois pas en l'existence de Dieu. Faut pas le dire a mon p-re. Il croit? Mon pere, oui. Schluss. He laps. My Latin quarter hat. God, we simply must dress the character. I want puce gloves.

Besides his virtues in the field, the Irish Water Spaniel has the reputation a very well-founded one of being the best of pals. Most people are well acquainted with the personal appearance of this quaint-looking dog. The points regarded as essential are as follows: COLOUR The colour should always be a rich dark liver or puce without any white at all.