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The house was very quiet and she did not know exactly what to do, so she looked about the guest-chamber. There were some quaint-looking silhouettes on the walls of the room, and in a deep oval frame a fine sort of ornament which seemed to be made of beautiful grasses and leaves, all covered with glistening crystals. The dust had crept in a little at one side.

And yet, when the heat was most intense, there was an elasticity about the air which prevented any feeling of oppression or exhaustion. The road wound up through quaint-looking hills, doubled one into another, like the upturned knuckles of some gigantic hand.

It was carpeted with crimson and black Brussels, contained two sofas of French workmanship, made in a heavy, though rich style, covered with cloth also of crimson and black; with chairs fashioned and carved to match the couches, and finished in the same material. A quaint-looking piano stood in one corner of the room.

Apthomas found himself famous before a week had passed, through the circumstance of being represented in the leading journal of caricature as a guinea pig, flying, with the spoil of bubble boards of directors under his arm, from the attack of a number of quaint-looking mammals wearing collars inscribed "ACCURACY," "CORRECT BALANCE SHEETS," "LEGITIMATE SPECULATIONS," and other phrases that suggested the need for the old guinea pig to give way to a new breed.

For the last eight days quaint-looking vehicles in which live the families of strolling fair exhibitors, lottery managers, keepers of shooting galleries and other forms of amusement or exhibitors of curiosities whom the peasants call "wonder-makers" could be seen coming along the roads drawn slowly by gray or sorrel horses.

The evening passed away delightfully in this quaint-looking apartment, half study, half drawing-room. Scott had read several passages from the old romances of Arthur, with a fine deep sonorous voice, and a gravity of tone that seemed to suit the antiquated black-letter volume.

Colonel Gordon's headquarters were at a quaint-looking, old-fashioned house with a good-sized garden, close to the site on which the New Tavern fort was to be erected.

She was surprised, therefore, to find it a very large, old-fashioned stone house, with broad veranda and steps guarded by two stone lions. Patty rang the bell, and the door was opened very slightly. A small, quaint-looking old coloured man peeped out. "Go 'way," he said, "go 'way at once! We don't want no tickets." "I'm not selling tickets," said Patty, half angry and half amused.

As we steamed away from the shore, the view came full upon us the sloping beach with the scattered wigwams, and canoes drawn up here and there the irregular, quaint-looking houses the white walls of the fort, and, beyond, one eminence still more lofty crowned with the remains of old Fort Holmes.

It has a monument to Alexander Hood, Viscount Bridport, and another to the Rev. William, Earl Nelson, brother of the famous admiral. Cricket House once belonged to Viscount Bridport, but is now the property of F.J. Fry. Croscombe, a quaint-looking village midway between Shepton and Wells, situated in the pretty valley which connects the two towns.