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The Comandante with Roblado and the lieutenant figured at the fandango in full uniform. The alcalde was there with his gold-headed cane and tassel; the cura in his shovel hat; the padres in their swinging robes; and all the "familias principales" of the place.

Before permission was then given, a general meeting of the principales was held, and none of the guests were permitted to touch the document. Mr. Werner made an exposure, which he sent to the States for development; it was lost or destroyed. It is thus possible that ours is the only picture of it in existence.

Il y en a tel, dont l'adresse joue si bien a coup sur, qu'il fait deliberer le Conseil plusieurs jours de suite, sur une matiere dont la determination est arretee entre lui & les principales tetes avant d'avoir ete mise sur le tapis.

When he first visited me, in Isleta, he knew just three words of Tigua. In ten days he could make himself understood by the hour with the Principales in their own unwritten tongue. Of course, this was one secret of his extraordinary success in learning the inner heart of the Indians. I saw it proved again in our contact with the Quíchua and Aymará and other tribes of Peru and Bolivia.

General Charles Lee wrote to an English friend, that the New-Englanders were the only Americans who really understood the meaning of republicanism, and many years later De Tocqueville came to nearly the same opinion: "C'est dans la Nouvelle Angleterre que se sont combinées les deux ou trois idées principales, qui aujourd'hui forment les bases de la théorie sociale des États-Unis."

He came out in a roundabout way, through Magellan's Straits by the main line and the West Coast Service of the O.S.N. Company. His precious consignment arrived just in time to convert the first feelings of consternation into a mood of hope and resolution. Publicly he was made much of by the familias principales. Privately Don Jose, still shaken and weak, embraced him with tears in his eyes.

The church, which used to resemble a kaleidoscope with the bright-hued raiment of the women, is now filled with kneeling figures in black. So far, the sickness has not touched the principales. Only the poor people are dying. There is a San Roque procession every night. Fifty or a hundred natives get a lot of transparencies and parade in front of the altars of the Virgin and San Roque.

"San Juan" is one of the "fiestas principales" one of the most noted of Mexican ceremonials. On this day particularly in a New Mexican village the houses are completely deserted. All people turn out, and proceed to some well-known locality, usually a neighbouring plain, to witness the sports which consist of horse-racing, "tailing the bull," "running the cock," and the like.

Voyages dans les quatre principales Isles des Mers d'A Afrique, 1801-2. Par Borry de Saint Vincent. Paris, 1804. 3 vols. 8vo. The author was chief naturalist in the voyage of discovery, under the command of Captain Baudin. The isles of France and Bourbon are most minutely described in this work; and the isles of Teneriffe and St. Helena in a less detailed manner.

Let us observe who occupy them. At a glance it is apparent they are in possession of the "familias principales," the aristocracy of the settlement. Yes there is the rich "comerciante," Don Jose Rincon, his fat wife, and four fat sleepy-looking daughters.