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"Come," said Master Carew, with an ugly sharpness in his voice, "thou'lt sing thy very best?" "There's nothing else to do," replied Nick, doggedly. Master Nathaniel Gyles, Precentor of St. Paul's, had pipe-stem legs, and a face like an old parchment put in a box to keep.

He lights one of the office pipes not reflecting, perhaps, that the editor may be one of those "stuck-up" people who would as soon have a stranger defile his tooth-brush as his pipe-stem. Then he begins to loll for a person who can consent to loaf his useless life away in ignominious indolence has not the energy to sit up straight.

I stooped to pick it up, meaning to fling it on to the deck, but its tail broke off at the rump, like a pipe-stem. Close against the after bulkhead that separated the forecastle from the cook-room was a little hatch. There was a quantity of wearing-apparel upon it, and I should have missed it but for catching sight of some three inches of the dark line the cover made in the deck.

Last of all the notched finger-bowls in which to cool the delicate, pipe-stem glasses; and then, and only then, did the real dinner begin. As to the guests, this particular feast being given to the most distinguished literary genius the country had yet produced, certainly the most talked of those who were bidden were, of course, selected with more than usual care: Mr.

Once or twice, his hands close to his face, he slightly raised them and with his pipe-stem softly tapped his teeth. He had called it the principle. She watched him. That attitude in which he sat was of a profundity of meditation not to be looked upon without that sense of awe, of oppression, of misgiving that is aroused by the suggestion in man or nature of brooding forces mysteriously engrossed.

Then the brothers said, "Indeed, he is a great magician. But he shall be tried ere he goes, and that bitterly." When he had eaten, they brought in a mighty bone, the jaw of a whale, and the eldest brother, with great ado, and using both his arms and all his strength, bent it a little. Then he handed it to Glooskap, who with his thumb and fingers, snapped it like a pipe-stem.

He spoke as if the prisoners were a collection of pictures on view, or a set of dresses just made up. Lomaque nodded his head, still with his air of happy, holiday carelessness. The jailer led the way to an inner hall; and, pointing lazily with his pipe-stem, said: "Our morning batch, citizen, just ready for the baking."

I shall be indisposed." "If you mean you'll get sick, or sprain an ankle, or break a leg, or kill yourself, guess again. I'm responsible for you now. Something may go wrong with me, that pipe-stem is liable to gimme a cancer, but nothin' is goin' to happen to you. My only chance to make a live of it is to cough up that clay, and get some one to outrun this cook.

Suddenly he paused and commenced sucking desperately at his pipe-stem, but all in vain; no smoke was emitted. "What is the matter?" asked Elwood. "Steam is out, and the paddle won't go." "Let me relieve you."

"Did you hear what I said?" demanded Willie, in a voice that sounded like the sawing of a meat bone. Glass opened his mouth, and when no sound issued, nodded. "And you understand?" Again the trainer bobbed his head. The pipe-stem had cut off all power of speech, and he knew himself dumb for life. "Then I guess that's all. It's up to you."