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I phoned the club and when I learned that you were not there I came straight on. I I had to see you to-night, Jim. And I was afraid if I phoned you here at the office you wouldn't let me come." McIver evidently saw from her manner that there was still something in the amazing situation that they had not yet touched upon. Coming back to his desk, he said, "I don't think I understand, Helen.

"I will fetch you a pair of father's gloves he's a brute!" "Please don't trouble," Shiel exclaimed, "I'll use my handkerchief instead. Digging is even harder work than painting in one way." "It's not fit work for you," Gladys replied with another reproachful glance at her father. "When did you arrive, I never heard you?" "I 'phoned to him last night," John Martin said, looking rather sheepish.

"There's more up than I want to come out," said O'Reilly. "Things have changed since I 'phoned, but there's more need of you than ever. The girl I wanted to help was with me. While I talked to you, she disappeared...." "Disappeared!" "Yes. I couldn't follow, because when I knew what had happened it was too late to get on her track; otherwise you'd have found me flown.

When Forrester had 'phoned he had appeared to be agitated enough, but, at least, he had seemed to have had hopes that the appeal he was then making might see him through, and, as proof of that, there had been unmistakable relief in the man's voice when he, Jimmie Dale, had agreed to the other's request.

"Oh, yes, he does. One night we were going to the Embassy Club don't you recollect it and he never turned up." "Oh, well, mother. It was really excusable. His cousin arrived from New York quite unexpectedly upon some family business. He phoned to you and explained," said the girl.

As soon as the Sea Hound arrived at Fearing, Tom phoned Chow Winkler at Enterprises and asked him to fly out to the base. "Pardner, how'd you like to ride herd on this critter and gentle it down for me?" Tom asked, when he showed Chow the porpoise.

We had reached the cheese and celery before Bill contributed a piece of news that impressed us in different ways. "I 'phoned Miss Fraenkel this morning," she said, "and asked her to come up after dinner this evening. She said she'd be tickled to death to come." I said nothing at first, and Mac, annexing an unusually large piece of cheese, grinned.

"A splinter has shattered the lower portion of the spine. The agony can be deadened with an opiate, and the ruptured arteries ligatured. Beyond that there is nothing else to do, though he may live till morning." "He managed to ask for Wrynche before he swooned, so we 'phoned him at Hotchkiss Outpost North. He got here ten minutes ago, badly cut up, but there has been no recognition of him.

As he put down the receiver a moment later, he told Bud, "You're having dinner with us tonight, pal. Fried chicken and biscuits." Bud licked his lips. "Lead me to it!" Chuckling, Tom began drawing up a list of supplies for the expedition. Bud helped with the details, after which Tom phoned the underground hangar and the Swifts' rocket base at Fearing Island to give the orders for the next day.

"And I phoned your mother." "Was she ?" "She trusts you with me, Gloria," he said quickly. She let him help her into the car he had hired. Gratton took the wheel and turned into San Pablo Avenue. The street was deserted and he gently pressed down the throttle; he had hired a dependable, high-priced car, and the motor sang softly. The wind blew in Gloria's face and her zest came back to her.