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Alternately contracting and relaxing his muscles, Locke succeeded in swinging himself in an ever-widening arc. Nearer he swung back and again nearer. Could he make it? Back again and a terrific effort. He was gaining. There came to him the sound of running feet. In his fear and agony he could have shrieked, but from his parched throat there issued no sound.

Merlin regarded her parched, cobwebbed face with an odd sort of pity. She, at any rate, had had less from life than he. No rebellious, romantic spirit popping out unbidden had, in its memorable moments, given her life a zest and a glory. Then Miss McGracken looked up and spoke to him: "Still a spunky old piece, isn't she?" Merlin started. "Who?" "Old Alicia Dare. Mrs.

She was the same new Concepcion, strange and yet profoundly known to him. But ineffable tragedy had marked her down, and the sight of her parched the throat. She said: "Couldn't. Besides, I had to see if I could stand it. Because I've got to stand it, G.J.... And, moreover, in our set it's a sacred duty to be original."

"Did you get what your mother wanted?" she asked the child, with a thumping sensation in her heart. "No," said Ray carelessly; "the man wouldn't give me the medicine. He told me to go home and fetch the rest of the money." "How much more do you want?" asked Clara, in a curious tone. "Eighteen pence," said Ray, showing two half-crowns in his hand. Clara hesitated, with parched lips.

He had an unspeakable dread of her learning the truth about the letters, yet could not be sure of steeling himself against the suicidal impulse of avowal. His very soul was parched for sympathy; he thirsted for a voice of pity and comprehension. But would his wife pity? Would she understand? Again he found himself brought up abruptly against his incredible ignorance of her nature.

"And I" said Celia, rising after a moment's pause, and putting her hand upon Edith's arm "I would have answered, 'Dearest lady, in whatever befalls, I pray you never to forget that I am to the end your fond and devoted and loyal servant." AUGUST wore itself out in parched tedium, and a September began which seemed even more unbearable in town, and still Thorpe did not get away from London.

Our home tents, the bridge, Tsavo Station and other buildings were plainly visible, and the railway itself, like a shining snake, could be seen for many miles winding its way through the parched wilderness. Having taken a few photographs of the scene, we turned and struck through the N'dungu Plateau.

British clerks with cargo lists, customs brokers, barking mates with blasphemous vocabularies, Scotch mechanics with parched throats, and all the underlings who have to do with ships and their freights. Here they all gather for their tipple and gossip, easy at friendships and quick at quarrels.

No sooner did Sister Emmerich recommence the narrative of her visions on the Passion than she again became extremely ill, oppressed with fever, and so tormented by violent thirst that her tongue was perfectly parched and contracted; and on the Monday after Mid-Lent Sunday, she was so exhausted that it was not without great difficulty, and after many intervals of rest, that she narrated all which our Lord suffered in this crowning with thorns.

During the summer of 1728, the weather in Carolina was observed to be uncommonly hot, by which the face of the earth was entirely parched, the pools of standing water dried up, and the beasts of the field were reduced to the greatest distress.