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As I intended to take a trip to Paris, I placed one thousand sequins in M. de Bragadin's hands, and with that project in view I had the courage to pass the carnival without risking my money at the faro-table. I had taken a share of one-fourth in the bank of an honest patrician, and early in Lent he handed me a large sum. Towards mid-Lent my friend Baletti returned from Mantua to Venice.

It was mid-March, mid-Lent which last fact she made an excuse after taking ecclesiastical opinion on the subject, namely, that of Herbert Binning, the Anglican chaplain for issuing invitations to a Cinderella dance. Damaris Verity, it appeared, had never really, properly and ceremoniously "come out" a neglect which Henrietta protested should be repaired.

Then, as the couple entered the chalet, Pierre saw that the young woman who made merry over the rain was little Princess Rosemonde, while her companion, who regarded the mid-Lent festivities as horrible, and bicycling as an utterly unaesthetic amusement, was handsome Hyacinthe Duvillard.

And feverish as they all were in the dining-room, they talked in desultory, haphazard fashion on all sorts of subjects, passing from a ball given at the Ministry of the Interior on the previous night, to the popular mid-Lent festival which would take place on the morrow, and ever reverting to the bazaar, the prices that had been given for the goods which would be on sale, the prices at which they might be sold, and the probable figure of the full receipts, all this being interspersed with strange anecdotes, witticisms and bursts of laughter.

How very odd he looks! He looks like a man walking in his sleep! This was said by various persons: "By milk women, with their cans and carts, coming into the town. "By roysterers who had been drinking at the taverns of the Barrier, for it was Mid-Lent. "By the sergeants of the watch, who eyed him sternly as he passed near their halberds. "But he passed on unmoved by their halberds,

Bertrand knew that this thought was weighing upon the mind of his kinsman, and the more so as the time for the fulfilment of the prophecy drew nearer. Autumn had come. Winter was hard at hand; and before Mid-Lent the promised succour to France was to arrive through the means of this maiden this Jeanne d'Arc.

"And he passed through the crowd and went on his way, and the few people then abroad who marked him, said, 'Tiens! how very odd he looks! He looks like a man walking in his sleep! This was said by various persons: "By milk-women, with their cans and carts, coming into the town. "By roysterers who had been drinking at the taverns of the Barrier, for it was Mid-Lent.

In Catholic countries Lent cakes were flavoured with the herb-tansy, a plant dedicated to St. Athanasius. In Silesia, on Mid-Lent Sunday, pine boughs, bound with variegated paper and spangles, are carried about by children singing songs, and are hung over the stable doors to keep the animals from evil influences.

Teresa was a simple nun, living under obedience to the prioress of St. Joseph, Ana of St. John, and intended so to remain. But the nuns applied to the Bishop of Avila and to the Provincial of the Order, who, listening to the complaints of the sisters, compelled the Saint to be their prioress. See Reforma, i. c. xlix. section 4. Mid-Lent of 1563. See Way of Perfection, ch. ii.

Yes, the life of an oyster, of a turtle, of a clam! alone with a woman sad as Mid-Lent, who doesn't speak, doesn't sing, does nothing but weep, weep, weep! It is crushing! I say just what I think! Crushing, then, whatever my niece may be cr-r-rushing! And ah really, my dear fellow, I should be glad if you would come. Why did you go away?