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He slowed down and wasn't quite sure till he heard the chug of the engine ahead, and a few seconds later a red light bloomed out behind and he drew a new breath and pedalled on again, his heart throbbing wildly, the collar of his pajamas sticking up wildly like his hair, and one pajama leg showing whitely below his trouser like a tattered banner.

With his tumbled hair, his flushed face and his pale blue pajama jacket open at the throat Martie thought him no more than a delightful, drowsy boy. She sat on the edge of the bed beside him, teasing him to open his eyes. "Ah you darling!" Wallace was not too sleepy to appreciate her cool, fresh kisses. "Oh, Lord, I'm a wreck! What time is it?" "Nearly ten. You've had ten hours' sleep, darling.

A light negligee shirt with interchangeable or attached soft collars is vastly preferable. In the frontier regions and along the rivers the pajama seems to be the conventional garment for day as well as night wear. Several such suits of light material should be carried the more ornamented and beautifully colored the greater favor will they find along the way.

"Sure enough!" cried Hope, suddenly sitting upright. "Is it a sari for each, or a fez, or " "Or a pajama?" laughed Faith. "No, you are miles away! It's something that is precious, that you can share equally, and that did not cost me a penny. There! I've given you pointers enough for the dullest guesser." "And only made it harder!" said Hope.

"Glue your eye to this!" he whispered loudly over the racket of the train. "Gee, have you got the same?" At the sound of Bill's voice, Frank, who was staring at a handful of bills, started violently, then forced a rather shaky smile. "Found this in my pajama coat," he said; then as Bill waved his fist, "What! Have you the same thing?" "Surest thing you know!" said Bill.

As Bill slipped into his pajama coat something pricked him. The pocket was pinned together with a large, rusty pin. He drew it out and from the pocket took a folded envelope. "What in time is this?" he murmured to himself, then smiled as he reflected that it must be a little love letter from his mother. He winked mischievously at her picture on his wrist as he tore open the envelope.

The lieutenant of the Paris Section, a mining engineer with a picturesque vocabulary of Nevadan profanity, was standing in his pajama trousers at the head of the room, holding a lantern in his hand. "Up, birds!" he called again. "Call's come in for Lah Chapelle."

Hope was hurrying into a pink robe de chambre, which the girls best liked to call a pajama, and now slipped her feet into a pair of little Turkish slippers, all toe and sole, and opening the communicating door, peered into the library.

He read it three times, until he knew it by heart, and he slept with it in the pocket of his pajama coat. Three days later he reached Norada, and registered at the Commercial Hotel. The town itself conveyed nothing to him. He found it totally unfamiliar, and for its part the town passed him by without a glance.

It was evident that the speaker had been in more than ordinary haste to make his discovery known, for underneath his coat he still wore his pajama shirt, and his hair was unbrushed. "What is it?" "Your man Speed isn't taking care of himself." "What did I tell you?" said Willie to his companions. "It seems to me that in justice to you boys he shouldn't act this way," Fresno ran on.