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"As easy as kiss," says his Riv'rence. "In the first, we're to understand that the exprission, 'Every sinsible man, signifies simply, 'every man that judges by his nath'ral sinses'; and we all know that nobody follying them seven deludhers could ever find out the mysthery that's in it, if somebody didn't come in to his assistance wid an eighth sinse, which is the only sinse to be depended on, being the sinse ov the Church.

Devil be in me," says he, "but I'd prove black white as fast as a horse 'ud throt wid only a good stick ov superbaton." "Faix," says the Pope, wid a sly look, "you'd need to have it backed, I judge, wid a small piece of assurance." "Well now, jist for that word," says his Riv'rence, "I'll prove it widout aither one or other. Black," says he, "is one thing and white is another thing.

In coorse, the pegs hed fell in price; they'd kim down so low, that we ked only git twenty-five cents a bushel for 'em!" "Mother ov Moses! only twenty-five cents a bushel!" "Thet was all they'd fetch offer 'em when an' wheer we would. In coorse, we wan't fools enough to take thet the dernationed pegs hed cost us more in Bosting!" "Divil a doubt ov it? But fwhat did yez do wid 'em, anyhow?"

"Whin we hove them mules over the side, I noticed one as was coollured most peculiar, all sthripes ov black on a white skin, jist like one ov them zaybrays they haves in the sarcus show, an' they're called so, by the same token, 'case they brays like a donkey and comes over the zay, you see?"

But if that's my share ov the work that Providens has chalked out for me, there's nothin left for me but 2 go ahead & do it in fear & tremblin. No more from your affeckshionate father. P. S. Give my best respects 2 Shorty.

The cart started off, and Mrs. Thornburgh was left staring into the receding eyes of 'Jim the Noodle, who, from his seat on the near shaft, regarded her with a gaze which had passed from benevolence into a preternatural solemnity. 'He's sparin' ov 'is speach is John Backhouse, said Sarah grimly, as her mistress returned to her. 'Maybe ee's aboot reet.

Never onct thought thar might be Injuns down yere, an' never kept no guard. Them Injuns jumped 'em at daybreak, an' not a soul knew they wus thar, till they yelled. 'Twan't no fight, just a massacre. This feller he got away, just as he sed he did, by a hidin' in the bush. I reckon he wan't even seed at all, but he wus so blame close thet he heerd 'bout all thet went on, an' even seed a bit ov it.

I b'lieve they 'spect things to grow ov thimselves 'athout any cultivatin'. An' to see that poor young lady hillin' the corn herself I felt as I'd like to bate both the captin an' his fine idle son so I would, while I could stand over 'em.

The gust of cold winter wind made us shiver again and we drew up closer to the dying fire so small now as to be seen with difficulty. "Be th' seven crosses ov Arbow, Jamie," he said, "I'm glad yer awake, me bhoy, if ye hadn't I'd haave pulled ye out be th' tail ov yer shirt!" "I was jist within an ace ov goin' over an' pullin' ye out be th' heels myself."

"They've just found him they're bringin' ov 'im home; they've got a shutter from Muster Wellin! 'im at Disley Farm. It wor close by Disley wood they found 'em. And there's one ov 'is men they've sent off ridin' for the inspector here he come, miss! Come out o' th' way!"