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Updated: August 11, 2024

I doobt the weather's gaun to be ower fine for cabs the nicht, but dinna despair; it's gettin' dark fairly early noo. Enjoy yersel' while ye're young. 'That's enough, said Macgregor. 'Ye needna think ye're the only chap that kens a thing or twa! And he left William gaping as widely as his painful jaw would permit.

He summoned courage, and crossing the space between the two buildings, he tapped on the window. "It's me, Mary," he called. "The skins are only half done, and Jimmy is going to help me finish. He will come over in the morning. Ye go to bed. Ye needna be afraid. We will hear ye if ye even snore."

As they filed sheepishly down the aisle, the Dunlopers gave him the cold shoulder, and when he joined the group, Elder McCakeron returned a stony stare to his greeting. "But ye needna mind that," the Devil encouraged. "He daurna tell, for his own share i' the business." So Saunders brazened it out. "Ye ha' my congratulations, Mr. McCakeron. I hear you're to get a son-in-law oot o' this?"

"Oh," replied she, "ye needna ask me if I approve, for weel do ye ken that I will approve o' onything that will be for my bairn's benefit." I accordingly lifted five hundred pounds, and through the influence of a Parliament man, succeeded in procuring him a commission as an ensign. I thought the money well spent, as it tended to promote the respectability and prospects of my son.

"Yes, of course, I didn't mean that," said Lennard, "but just slowly about a tenth of the speed that you dropped me into the bowels of the earth with. You see, I want to have a look at the sides." "Yo' needna' trouble about that, Mr Lennard, I can give yo' drawin's of all that in t' office, but still yo' can see for yo'rself by the drawin's afterwards."

'Ye needna doubt that, said the stout yeoman; 'but I wish I could mind a bit prayer or I creep after the witch into that hole that she's opening. It wad be a sair thing to leave the blessed sun and the free air, and gang and be killed like a tod that's run to earth, in a dungeon like that.

"But it does seem as though one might naturally expect a little help from them that are spoken of as the lights of the world; now don't it?" "There's no denying that, but if you must look about you, you needna surely fix your eyes on such crooked sticks as your Fishes and your Slowcomes. It's no breach o' charity to say that they dinna adorn the doctrine.

"Ye 'll be satisfied when ye read the name; it's plain eneuch; ye needna gang dodderin' aboot here and there lookin' for yir glasses; there's twa pair on your head already;" for it was an hour of triumph to Barbara's genial soul. "It's beyond understanding," murmured the Rabbi.

'Ay, I kent yer father weel eneuch, she said, now answering Robert 'mair by token 'at I saw him last nicht. He was luikin' nae that ill. Robert sprung from his seat, and caught her by the arm. 'Ow! ye needna gang into sic a flurry. He'll no come near ye, I s' warran'. 'Tell me where he is, said Robert. 'Where did you see him? I'll gie ye a' 'at I hae gin ye'll tak me till him. 'Hooly! hooly!

"It is, indeed, a different matter which has brought me thus far," said the lawyer man, with a certain diffidence, "but I think that perhaps I ought to wait till till your husband, in fact " "If you are waiting for Weelyum," said Mary Lyon, "ye needna fash. He is o' the same mind as me or will be after I have spoken wi' him. Say on!"

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