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"Et moi aussi" murmured Henrietta, wreathing her large beautiful arms about her friend, and the two sauntered away. Mary Leighton, in general ill-humor, and still remembering the walk of the last evening, desired to fire a parting-shot, and exclaimed, as she went out, "Well, I think it is something to us; I like to have gentlemen about me." "You need not be uneasy," said Mrs.

From whom did you receive it? or how did you come by it? I am not surprised that you decline taking an oath upon this occasion." "Ah, monsieur, ayez pitie de moi!" cried the innocent, but terrified man, throwing himself upon one knee, in an attitude, which, on the stage, would have produced a sublime effect "Ah, monsieur, ayez pitie de moi! I have no more dan de child no sense in affairs."

The fellow was ready: the fellow would pot them at twenty yards as they came over the crest. Thought was lost in lightning action. "Hola, l'ami!" he yelled. "Qui vive?" came the unseen voice. "Ami! a moi!" Feet crashed up the shingle. As he topped the crest, a Grenadier, all eyes and bayonet and bristling chin, was plunging up the steep, another at his heels.

It is a painful experience, this premature decay!... "Apres tant de malheurs, que vous reste-t-il? Moi." This "moi" is the central consciousness, the trunk of all the branches which have been cut away, that which bears every successive mutilation. Soon I shall have nothing else left than bare intellect.

"And I had to confess that I'd never read one either. I did begin one," said West "it was called 'Elementary Principles of Incidence and Distribution, I remember but the hour was eleven-thirty and I fell asleep." "I know exactly how you felt about it," said Sharlee, "for I have read them all moi!" He looked at her with boundless admiration. "His one reader!" "There are two of us, if you please.

'Parlez moi de ca': you could not come to a better man. I have a list of all the heiresses at Paris, bound in russia leather. You may take your choice out of twenty. Ah, if I were but a Rochebriant! It is an infernal thing to come into the world a Lemercier. I am a democrat, of course. A Lemercier would be in a false position if he were not.

He regarded himself as the head-centre of his party L'état, c'est moi and he wanted everything utilized for his advancement. General Jackson was meanwhile being brought before the public, under the direction of Aaron Burr, Martin Van Buren, and Edward Livingston, as a "man of the people."

How high, how holy we felt, when we worshipped there. Because I like the cathedral, you will forgive me for all I said before, will you not, ma chère mère?" Turning her head suddenly towards her mother, Adèle saw her eyes filled with tears. "Eh! ma chère mère, pardonnez moi. I have pained you". And she rose and flung her arms, passionately, around her mother's neck.

His Majesty a short, stout man with blue eyes and aquiline nose, wearing a lace cocked hat and brown velvet coatee and high boots with spurs dismounted not twenty feet from the stage-coach, saying with great animation: "Vite! Donnez moi un cheval frais." Instantly remounting, he bounded over the hedge, followed by his train.

Je sais bien que, dans le langage ordinaire, on dit fort comme un Turc; cependant j'ai vu une infinité de chrétiens qui, dans les choses il faut de la force, l'emportoient sur eux; et moi-même, qui ne suis pas des plus robustes, j'en ai trouvé, lorsque les circonstances exigeoient quelque travail, de plus foibles que moi encore.