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"To pick out a lot," Wild Water called back. "Look at the river. All Dawson's stampeding to buy lots, an' we're going to beat 'em to it for the choice. That's right, ain't it, Bill?" "Sure thing," Saltman corroborated. "This has the makin's of a Jim-dandy suburb, an' it sure looks like it'll be some popular."

He was black and drenched and streaked with sweat; also, he shone with the grease and oils of the engines, while the palms of his hands were covered with painful blisters from unwonted, intimate contact with shovels and drawbars. It was seen that he winced fearfully as the cowboy twirled the rope end. ""He's got the makin's of a fair fireman," said the stranger, "'all he wants is practice."

"But I couldn't move a foot without my knees bucklin', so I takes out my makin's and rolls a cigarette. And while I was doin' it I was prayin' that my strength would come back to me before he come back to himself and started!" "It was surprise that held him, Buck. To think of you striking him you who have saved his life and fought for him like a blood-brother.

But I think I can manage. You want to borrow a hundred and fifty?" "Say, Doc, you got me wrong! I got the makin's all right, but I don't jest sabe rollin' 'em." Pete dug into his coat-pocket and fetched up a check-book. "Same as you paid for your hoss with." "This is Stockmen's Security. You have an account there?" "That's what the president was callin' it. I call it dough. I got the book."

It ain't every day they get a chance at a jo-darter of a buster like " "Like the damndest liar in four states meaning you," cut in Swing. "You're right," admitted Racey, promptly. "When I was speaking of a jo-darter I meant you, so I was a liar. I admit it. I might 'a' known you wouldn't appreciate my kind words. Besides being several other things, you're an ungrateful cuss. Gimme the makin's."

They'll see a sample in Van Roos and Borgson. Every yell they let out'll be an argument for us. We'll have Henshaw before the day's done." Sam Hall pushed his thick fingers slowly through his hair, stupefied by this careful cruelty, and even the one eye of Jacob Flint grew dim, but Garry Cochrane slapped the bos'n on the shoulder heartily. "Jerry," he said, "you got the makin's of a great man.

Accordingly, right after dinner, the second great Argonautic Expedition put out to sea. Mrs. Evans, who had a headache, offered to stay at home and keep Sandhelo company and watch the island. The space under the seats of the Argo II, as she was temporarily re-christened, was stowed full of "supper makin's," for they planned to stay until after nightfall.

"Then I'll have to answer you," said Peter, "that I have an attractive part of the 'makin's' and I am in deadly earnest about wanting a home somewhere. I am sick in my soul of narrow apartments and wheels and the rush and roar of the city. There was a time when I ate and drank it. It was the very breath of life to me.

Andy, who had flushed hotly at Pete's rather ungenerous intimation, spurred his pony round and rode toward a dim figure that nodded in the starlight. Pete whirled his own pony and rode in the opposite direction. Toward dawn, as they circled, they met again. "Got the makin's?" queried Pete. "Right here," said Andy. As Pete took the little sack of tobacco, their hands touched and gripped.

'Course it ain't makin' any distressin' sounds around here jest now, but, say, got the makin's?" "I ain't smoked since I been here, Red." "Excuse me, Miss Collie. What denomination did you say?" "Straight, Red. I'm savin' my money." "What do they pay you for settin' on that cayuse?" "Fifteen a month, and board, and the horse to ride." "Don't mention the hoss, pal.