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The cadets gathered around the fires and sang song after song, and not a few practical jokes were played. "Hans, they tell me you feel cold and want your blood shook up," said Tom to Hans Mueller, the German cadet. "Coldt, is it?" queried Hans. "Vot you dinks, I vos coldt mid der borometer apout two hundred by der shade, ain't it? I vos so hot like I lif in Africa alretty!"

And the Paynemes seyn, that no Cristene man may not longe duelle, ne enduren with the lif, in that cytee: but dyen with in schort tyme; and no man knowethe not the cause. Aftre gon men, be many cytees and townes, and grete contrees, that it were to longe to telle, unto the cytee of Cornaa, that was wont to be so gret, that the walles abouten holden 25 myle aboute.

To know de tepths of sorrow, to cry mit tears of blood, to mount up in der hefn dat is mein lot! I shall not lif after Bons " "Gracious! I am sure you won't, you are killing yourself. Listen, pet!" "Bet?" "Very well, my sonny " "Zonny?" "My lamb, then, if you like it better." "It is not more clear."

"Gif only I vas rich enof to lif like dis efery tay " began the good German in a melancholy voice. But here Mme. Cibot appeared upon the scene. Pons had given her an order for the theatre from time to time, and stood in consequence almost as high in her esteem and affection as her boarder Schmucke.

Lif was the woman's name, and Lifthrasir was the man's. They moved through the world, and their children and their children's children made people for the new earth.

"Aw, boss," replied Roddy with something like reproach, "you knows 'tain' no queshun uv a hinge arftuh midnight. Arftuh midnight, boss, de screws drap right outen' de hinge, an' dar ain' no mo' hinge. You jes' natchelly keeps your haid down an' don' lif' it no mo'. Naw, suh, dar ain' no hinge to he'p you dat late, onless onless somebody hit you or stab you." Braceway became stern.

Poulain is the image of Providence on earth I will have no more to do with you. You must do as I tell you " "Yes, Montame Zipod, he vill do vat you dell him," put in Schmucke; "he vants to lif for his boor friend Schmucke's sake, I'll pe pound."

"I am M. Tabareau's head-clerk, sir," he said; "he sent me here to take charge of your interests, and to superintend the funeral arrangements. Is this your wish?" "You cannot safe my life, I haf not long to lif; but you vill leaf me in beace!" "Oh! you shall not be disturbed," said Villemot. "Ver' goot. Vat must I do for dat?"

You will not see my eyes, Pancho; thees little grass" she ran her plump little fingers through a tussock "will hide them; and the small animals in the black coats that lif here will have much sorrow but you will not. It ees better so! My father will not that I, a Catholique, should marry into a camp-meeting and lif in a tent." But I care not. You are my only religion, Pancho!

"Ah, yes, I remember it but it was long ago and I was very leetle you comprehend, and I have not arrive mooch when the old Don was alone. It was too too what you call melank-oaly. And the old man have not make mooch to himself of company." "Then there were no young people in the house, I suppose?" said Cecily, smiling. "No not since the old man's father lif.