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He recovered his dignity as soon as he could, and suggested that Jenny should go up to the chamber of her new mistress. "Maybe Mrs Millicent should be pleased to take her," he said, making a low bow to Mrs Lane's maid. "She knows her way upstairs as well as I do," answered Millicent bluntly. "Have done with your airs, Robin! and prithee don't put Jenny up to 'em.

There was a huskiness in Mrs. Lane's voice. "Yes, Amanda, the law. It is well for you to view this matter in all its relations. The law regards the father as the true guardian of the child. If, therefore, you separate yourself from your husband, you must expect to bear a separation from your child; for that will be most likely to follow." "Did he speak of the law?" asked Mrs.

Mother and I have been very busy the last four days cleaning and putting things in order. We spent our Christmas at Mrs. Lane's and had a really delightful time. We had planned some time ago to have you share it with us, and now can you not spare us Sunday, if you are not going " "The change is to be made on Monday. Oh, Miss Trenham I can hardly describe my feelings.

The doctor came to Lane's room and told him the girl would not have the strength to go through with her ordeal. Lane was so shocked he could not speak. Dr. Bronson's shoulders sagged a little, an unusual thing for him. "I'm sorry, Daren," he said. "I know you wanted to help the poor girl out of this. But too late. I can ease her pain, and that's all."

"... I did not mean to bring you into the shadows... but there is another life, not mine, at stake ... I have no right to do anything else ... if I intervened, or gave warning, the evidence that will convict Clarke's agent, and will convict Clarke through the agent, is lost... that is why, in spite of all, I am writing this ... do you understand? ... for three nights he disappeared, and somehow, I do not yet know how, evaded me in the daytime ... no trace, just as I believed I had the man through whom Clarke is working trapped ... dared not take the chance of giving up watch for an instant ... did not know about this afternoon until an hour ago ... too late ... Jathan Lane's murder at the bank ... Klanner, the janitor of the bank ... very fair hair, scar on left cheek bone ... worked at night ... under passage from private office ... blackjack with which murder was done, document and money in Klanner's room ... unmarried ... lives in rear room, first floor of tenement at ... you must get the evidence ... unto Caesar!.. ship chandler's store, junk shop ... Larens, Joe Larens, the hunchback ... Clarke's agent ... another murder to cover up their tracks ... must get Clarke through Hunchback Joe ... will squeal if he sees no way of escape ... Klanner's room at once ... Klanner with Kid Greer will be at Baldy Jack's at ten o'clock ... will stop at nothing ... innocent bystander ... document of international importance, ... gold and details ... Federal authorities, not the police ... will see that Secret Service men get tip where to raid at midnight ... under the sail cloth in left corner ..."

"The lane's like a morgue to-night." "Cold, ain't it?" said Stella Schump, shivering with night damp. A figure with a tilted derby came sauntering toward them. "Lay off my territory. I seen him first." "Oh sure yes all right." The place in between them was filled then, the tilted derby well forward and revealing a rear bulge of head.

"Buffalo bones," replied Ned promptly. "Right you are," replied the Panther, "an' when Cos left San Antonio he wasn't taking any buffaloes along with him to kill fur meat. They staid here so long that the hunters had time to go out an' shoot game." "A long lane's the thief of time," said Obed, "and having a big march before him, Cos has concluded to walk instead of run."

Claire has never had any of the infantile diseases. The woman thought it measles at first, but they are so particular in the schools, now. We closed today. Mother is going to shut up the house for awhile and board at Mrs. Lane's while they fumigate and burn up. The authorities have ordered the old house torn down. I think not a great many people visited her, though they did at first.

But at the lane's end, where the water of the Salt Pond laps the pier, you may see another old boat put to humbler uses, now that its seafaring days are over, and uses sometimes no less romantic than the Cap'n's garden.

"I've got a date," he gayly said to his sycophantic friends, in a tone that would reach Lane's ears. The summer night came when Lane drove a hired car out the river road, keeping ever in sight a red light in front of him. He broke the law and endangered his life by traveling with darkened lamps. There was a crescent moon, clear and exquisitely delicate in the darkening blue sky.