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"We are saved by Christ who suffered for us. We are saved by faith," Alexey Alexandrovitch chimed in, with a glance of approval at her words. "Vous comprenez l'anglais?" asked Lidia Ivanovna, and receiving a reply in the affirmative, she got up and began looking through a shelf of books. "I want to read him 'Safe and Happy, or 'Under the Wing," she said, looking inquiringly at Karenin.

Ses mouvements �taient vifs et devenaient d'une p�tulance extraordinaire dans la conversation; il fuyait les discussions et les vains combats de paroles, mais c'�tait pour mieux jouir du charme d'une causerie intime. Il poss�dait et parlait avec une �gale perfection quatre langues: le fran�ais, l'anglais, l'allemand, l'italien et passablement l'espagnol.

* "Soyez sur que ces destructions se sont pour la plupart a l'instigation de nos ennemis quel triomphe pour l'Anglais si il eul pu ecraser notre commerce par l'aneantissement des arts dont la culture enrichit le sien."

An anxious, amiable French lady, not far from tears, was eager for acquittal, and declared she would engage the prisoner to be her children's nurse. The bystanders exclaimed at the proposal; the woman was a savage, said they, and spoke no language. 'Mais, vous savez, objected the fair sentimentalist; 'ils apprennent si vite l'anglais! But to be able to speak to people is not all.

I passed my eye instead smiling, BIEN ENTENDU round the ring of waiting faces, saw that there was no one except De Pombal I had cause to fear; and then at last I rose and looked at the fool with the grim face I have known impose on older and wiser men. 'Marked cards, M. l'Anglais? I said, with a chilling sneer. 'They are used, I am told, to trap players not unbirched schoolboys.

"Besides, I was ordered to leave at one o'clock, and it is not one o'clock yet." "Oh, we are all angry with you, Monsieur l'Anglais, for you have been deceiving us all for the last three months. But, now mind, we bear no malice; but pray ride off." As she spoke she made a sign to Rupert to alight and come to the window, so that the coachman might not overhear what was said.

"Mais il faut être raisonnable, madame." "II faut m'obéir, monsieur." "Mais " "Pschut!" replied the lady; "c'est une affaire décidée. Monsieur le gouverneur ne parle pas l'Anglais. C'est absolument nécessaire que le jeune homme apprenne notre langue; et c'est mon plaisir de l'enseigner. Au revoir, Monsieur de Fontanges. Charlotte, va chercher des habits."

"Mais, monsieur je ne sais pas suivre vous allez si vite." "Je n'ai rien compris, moi!" Here a general murmur arose, and the teacher, opening her lips for the first time, ejaculated "Silence, mesdemoiselles!" No silence followed on the contrary, the three ladies in front began to talk more loudly. "C'est si difficile, l'Anglais!" "Je deteste la dictee."

The great kindness and generosity of "L'Anglais" were so well known in our neighborhood that the people had no hesitation in applying at La Tuilerie for clothing, medicines, or help of any kind.

"L'anglais!" he cried, thrusting out his foot, which signified Hudson's Bay. "No fort!" he shouted, kicking the switches into the air. "No fort!" and he looked with speechless disgust at the vacancy. Now I knew what he meant. Fort Gibraltar had been destroyed by Hudson's Bay men.