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You played with the picture of revenge against a man you hated, an' let the idea of what you'd do fill your brain; an' then, when you wanted bigger doses, you told Phoebe what you knawed reckoning as she'd tell Will bimebye. That's bad, Jan Grimbal worse than poisoning foxes, by God! An' you knaw it." "Who are you, to judge me and my motives?"

My father belongs to come himself to the Harvest Home, but my granfa never came to church at all so long as he was alive. 'Time enough when I'm dead for that' he used to say. He was a big man down to the Chapel, my granfa was. Mostly when he did preach the maids would start screeching, so I've heard tell. But he were too old for preaching when I knawed 'un."

As they fell into rank, an old man, perched on the hedge hard by, rose lazily and turned to the crowd on the far side. "Here, help me down, some of ye," said he; "I knawed that there Sheriff was a fool the moment I set eyes on 'en." Sir James heard and rode straight on. If a fool, he was no coward.

"Dosn't thou 'ear my 'erse's legs, as they canters awaay? Proputty, proputty, proputty that's what I 'ears 'em saay. But I knawed a Quaaker feller as often 'as towd ma this: 'Doant thou marry for munny, but goa wheer munny is!" Helen had much to do to keep her busy during the next few days.

But mother seed en an' sez to me, 'Shut your mouth. An', not knawin' faither was be'ind me, I ups agin an' sez, 'Why caan't I, as be her awn brother, see Joan anyway an' hear tell what 'tis she've done? I lay as it ban't no mighty harm neither, 'cause Joan's true Tregenza!" "Good Lard! An' faither heard 'e?" "Iss, an' next minute I knawed it.

Not as I knawed much about it, for I fell on th' back of my head, an' was knocked stupid like. An' when I come to mysen it were mornin', an' I were lyin' on the settle i' Jesse Roantree's house-place, an' 'Liza Roantree was settin' sewin'. I ached all ower, and my mouth were like a limekiln.

'Nothing at all, John, our Annie answered; 'only the horrible ferocity of that miserable blacksmith. 'That be nayther here nor there, John continued, with some wrath at his own interruption: 'Blacksmith knawed whutt the Squire had been; and veared to lose his own custom, if Squire tuk to shooin' again. Shutt any man I would myzell as intervared wi' my trade laike.

"Say you'll forgive me, will 'e? Can 'e do it? If you knawed half you'd say 'yes. I'm grawed a auld, cold-hearted woman, wi' a grey hair here an' theer a'ready." "So've I got wan an' another, tu, along o' worse sorrow than yours. Leastways as bad as yourn. Forgive 'e? A thousand times, an' thank Heaven you'm livin'! Wheer ever have 'e bided?

'Cause if he did knaw I shouldn't but theer, I've never tawld 'e, an' I ban't gwaine to now. Awnly I'll say this, if Grimbal really knawed he'd have but he can't knaw, and theer 's an end of it." "To think I should have been frighted by such a story all these weeks! An' not true. Oh! I wish I'd told 'e when he sent the message. 'T would have saved me so much."

The irritation with which she always lived, waking from sleep to be at once aware of it, and to know no pause during her waking hours, had worn away a temperament which might almost have been gay. At very rare intervals Anne had heard her laugh, and the laugh had such a note of gaiety in it that she surmised the nature that had been, as it were, knawed thin by this never-sleeping worm.