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It was the first time she had seen her husband smile since their troubles, she said. The dark cloud was lifting, and wee Katie's smile would bring sunshine again. I was a favourite with her a long time after that, but we have fallen out of acquaintance of late." "Which is a great mistake on your part," said her brother. "Yes; I hope she will be glad to see us.

That field was a meadow every year, and once hidden between the hedge and the meadow-grasses a child was invisible to all but the bright-eyed birds, who themselves have a taste for such mysteries, and the corn-crake, which one thinks of as only half bird, that scuttled on Katie's approach down one of a million aisles of seeding brown grasses.

A laddie like you." And grannie laughed in spite of her indignation. But she kept her "bonnie Katie" at home for the most part, unless there was some special reason for her going with the rest. There were many other visitors at the sugar-place visitors whom even Davie could not suspect of coming altogether for Katie's sake.

She milked the cow, fed the hens, churned, swept, and baked as of old. Yet she did all those things as with a broken heart, and it would have been less dreadful in a way to see her sitting with folded hands. She was incessantly weeping in those months that followed Katie's death.

When first she had watched Katie's extreme misery, and guessed the secret of her child's heart, she had felt something like hard, bitter anger against Charley. But by degrees this feeling softened down. It was by no means natural to her, nor akin to her usual tenderness. After all, the fault hitherto was probably more her own than his. Mrs. Richards was sent back to town.

'K., she says, 'K., I'm waiting to ask you something! or, 'K., wouldn't you like a cup of tea? She's always feedin' him tea and cake, so that when he comes to table he won't eat honest victuals." Sidney had paused with one glove half off. Katie's tone carried conviction. Was life making another of its queer errors, and were Christine and K. in love with each other?

The next instant the telephone was upside down on the table and Katie, sobbing, was in his arms. He was holding her close; and as her sobs grew more violent he kissed her hair, murmured loving things. Suddenly she raised her head lifting her face to his. He kissed her; and all the splendor of those eons of life was Katie's then. Captain Jones had come down from Fort Sheridan late that afternoon.

The end of it all was, that the lad's vulgar wishes for other work and another kind of life than that which had fallen to him on the farm, took a definite form, and as usual his confidence was given to his sister, and as usual, also, Katie's first thought was: "But, Davie, think of grandfather." "Oh, there is no special hurry about it, and we'll break it to him easily.

There's nothing like one's own and earliest," replied Donald, full of his new and thrilling emotion; and as he said it he reached out his hand and took hold of Katie's, as if they were boy and girl together. "Many's the time I've raced wi' ye this way, Katie," he said affectionately.

Almost as if it might draw back things that had gone. I was going to keep it " Katie's eyes deepened, there was a little catch in her voice. "Well, I was just keeping it. But because you are so tired oh just because you need it so. I want you to let me give it to you." And with a tender strength holding the sobbing girl Katie unfastened her collar and began taking off her dress.