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But it was foreordained that he should walk, jest cos it wasn't generally kalkilated and reckoned on. So, YOU had no show." For a moment, Minty seemed struck with her father's original theory. But with a vigorous shake of her shoulders she threw it off. Her eyes darkened. "I reckon you ain't thinking, Pop " she began. "I was only sayin' it was curous," he rejoined quietly.

It is related that an inebriated miner, impeded by mud and drink before its door, was found gazing at its remarkable façade with an expression of the deepest despondency. "I hev lived a free life, pardner," he explained thickly to the Samaritan who succored him, "and every time since I've been on this six weeks' jamboree might have kalkilated it would come to this.

I kalkilated to hear considerable about 'Faith' and 'Works, and sich, but I didn't reckon to hear all about you from the Lord's Prayer to the Doxology. You were in the special prayers ez a warnin', in the sermon ez a text; they picked out hymns to fit ye! And always a drefful example and a visitation. And the rest o' the tune it was all gabble, gabble by the brothers and sisters about you.

Ford," returned Uncle Ben simply; "but hevin' bin layin' round, lookin' for ye here and at the hotel for four or five days allus about that time and not findin' you, I rather kalkilated you might hev suthin' reg'lar on hand."

I looked up and kalkilated to see half a dozen of them boulders come, lickity switch, down the grade. But, darn my skin, if one of 'em stirred! and yet while I was looking, the whole face o' that bluff bowed over softly, as if saying 'Good-by, and got clean away somewhar before I knowed it. Why, you see that pile agin the side o' the canyon!

"I thought Miss McKinstry had been married by this time," he said carelessly. Octavia, swinging her satchel like a censer, as if she were performing some act of thurification over her completed tasks, replied demurely: "Oh no! dear no not THAT." "So it would seem," said the master. "I reckon she never kalkilated to, either," continued Octavia, slyly looking up from the corner of her lashes.

That's wot's the matter, old man, and jist about wot I kalkilated on from those durned old improvements o' yours." Coloring a little at this new count in the general indictment against the uselessness of the "Half-way House," Jeff asked if there were "any passengers?" Yuba Bill indicated the meek stranger with a jerk of his thumb. "And his wife and darter in the coach.

Why, didn't she say to me, last night, that she kalkilated afore she went away to bring up some friends from 'Frisco for a few days' visit? and didn't she say, in that pipin', affected voice o' hers, 'I oughter make some return for yer kindness and yer nephew's kindness, Aunt Sally, by showing people that can help you, and keep your house full, how pleasant it is up here. She ain't no fool, with all her faintin's and dyin's away!

"He reckoned that either I'd kill you and so he'd got shut of us both in that way, without it being noticed; or if I missed you, the others would hang YOU ez they kalkilated to for killing ME! The idea kem to him when he overheard you hintin' you wouldn't return my fire." A shuddering conviction that McKinstry had divined the real truth passed over the master.

Ef that man's all-fired belief in his being the Angel Gabriel and Dan'l Webster rolled inter one don't beat anythin'! I suppose that high-flyin' jay-bird kalkilated to put you and me and my gal and yer boy inter harness for his four hoss chariot and he sittin' kam on the box drivin' us!