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He was scarcely surprised to see them, for the Crosbys were widely known to be eccentric, and presently he drove on. His query about the wrecked car had passed unnoticed. "If you'll stay here, Jule," said Romeo, wiping his mouth, "I'll go and get a team and some rope and we'll get the car in." "Can't I go too?" "No, you stay here. It's bad enough to sleep at your post without deserting it."

"Yes, yes, Rolf wrote it, but we planned it all out and he made the verses, and Jule put up the poles and then we fetched the fir twigs." "That was a delightful surprise, my children," said their father, much gratified. "How pretty the garden looks, all lighted up with red and blue and yellow lanterns. It looks like an enchanted spot, and now for my favorite apple-tree."

If Glenn don't make the riffle with Miss Jule, he ought to be shot on general principles. And I don't know, little sister, if you and I were both to oppose it, that we could prevent that rascal of an Aaron from marrying into the Wilson family. You have no idea what a case Susie and Scales scared up during our ten days' hunt. That only leaves Dan and Theodore.

The "big Jule" was ready to help to restore order after his bit of fun, and Lili ran down stairs to the piano as she was bidden. She found herself too much excited after the exertion of playing boot-jack for her brother, and her exercises did not run smoothly, so she took up one of her "pieces" to work off her superfluous energy upon, and began to play with great emphasis,

Jule Chinn in the Blue-grass Club up-stairs, happening to glance out of the window, turned his box over, and remarked that if any gentleman cared to bet, he would lay any part of $5000 on Bill. When the General was directly opposite him Colonel Bill gravely and courteously lifted his hat.

Over all the firelight glances, now touching the golden curls of little John toddling about, now the brown heads of the girls stooping over their books, now the shadowy figure of little Jule, the girl whose duty it is to supply the fire with rich pine to keep up the vivid light. If they would only let the child sit down!

Reverie does not agree well with manners, but it would besides have been hard for him to answer the old lady's question not that he did not know something at least of what was going on in his mind, but that, he knew instinctively, it would have sounded in her ears no hair better than the jabber of Jule Sandy.

And she seemed to think it was a great joke to have her friends give her a dinner I think it was terrible." "Why, Aunt Jule, how ridiculous! We were delighted to do it it was perfectly dear of her to let us, too. And think of the people we met there Rawlins and Mr. Ware! You don't mind being poor if such men will come just out of interest in you, I tell you. Do you remember, Elise, how Mr.

Then he'd hang by his chin an' beat his wings; an' it's these frenzied efforts he makes to stay with the game that evolves them alarmin' flutterin's. "'Jule who don't own chickens an' who ain't no patron of cockfights neither is for settin' the shawl-necks on the fence an' pickin' 'em up as we trails back from the Gander-Pullin'.

Ranger's little girl always calls her mother Lou." "Mrs. Ranger you mean the woman that smokes?" Miss Trueman's tone brought vividly to the mind a person dangling from disgusted finger-tips a mouse or beetle. "For heaven's sake, Aunt Jule" in moments of intense exasperation they reverted unconsciously to the old form "don't speak of her as if she smoked for a living!"