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Hollyhock, wearing her dark cloak, looked in. The blinds had not yet been pulled down, and one window was partly open. She therefore saw a sight which caused her heart to ache with furious jealousy. Her own sister Jasmine was talking to a girl whom she addressed as Barbara. Her own sister Rose of the Garden was chatting bravely with a girl whom she addressed as Augusta.

Hollyhock crept into bed without undressing fully. Her habit lay ready beside her, but in such a position that no one would notice it. She had taken off her pretty crimson frock, and had plaited her masses of black hair into two thick tails, the ends of which she secured with scarlet ribbons. Half-dressed, she hid under the bedclothes.

'Send that child out of the room, George, said Aunt Agnes. 'I refuse to stir, was Hollyhock's response. 'George, is it true that you have insulted my dead sister's memory by calling one of her offspring by such an awful name as Hollyhock? 'I have not insulted my wife's memory, Agnes. I took a fancy to call my little girls after flowers. This is Jasmine real name Lucy, after my lost darling.

So he took off his cap, and standing before the company he sang as follows: A bumble-bee lit on a hollyhock flower That was wet with the rain of a morning shower. While the honey he sipped His left foot slipped, And he could n't fly again for half an hour! "Good!" cried the alderman, after the company had kindly applauded Tommy.

Guid-nicht to ye, missie; guid-nicht. Bed's the richt place for ye. I 'm sorry that Magsie 's no here to cuddle ye a bit. 'Thanks; I'm glad she's gone. I hate her, said Hollyhock. 'Ay, said the old man, coming close to the child and looking into her eyes. 'Isn't it a wee bit o' the de'il ye hae in ye the nicht, wi' your talkin' o' hatin' them that luves ye! Come, doggies; come.

But poor little lily's words were not noticed and a tall hollyhock was asked to find old Wind Witch and request her to help them keep the Rain Elves all day. The old Wind Witch laughed with glee when she heard the request, for she saw a chance to work mischief and make it appear she was trying to do good.

And now I must be off, for the conspiracy the best of all has begun. Hollyhock, beside herself with mirth, had, however, not forgotten to give the poor ghostie an old-fashioned lantern, which she was to hold in such a position as to show off her skeleton hands and ghastly face. This was left lighted in the hut.

She felt there was no time to lose, for Hollyhock looked at her with such flashing eyes, with such saucy dimples round her lips, with such a very rare and personal beauty, that Leucha felt she must get hold of her own girls at once, in order to sustain the school against the wicked machinations of Jacko.

"You know I can see farther than anyone here, and it is my opinion that the Windflower is deep, and I think, too, she has a story." "A story!" cried the Pansies, turning up their pretty faces to the Hollyhock. "Oh, how interesting." "What do you mean by a story?" asked the Rosebush. "Oh, I mean she is deep and knows things of which we little dream.

Like some stately hollyhock or dahlia of this month's gardens, he endures while all other flowers are dying; but all around is winter a mild one, perhaps, wherein a few annuals or pretty field weeds still linger on; but, like all mild winters, especially prolific in fungi, which, too, are not without their gaudiness, even their beauty, although bred only from the decay of higher organisms, the plagiarists of the vegetable world....