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But, come forward, young man, and let us see what is the matter with you." "You neither lance nor cauterize an incipient tumour, do you, doctor?" demanded Blaize, without abandoning his position. "Eh, day!" exclaimed Hodges, "have we one of the faculty here? I see how it is, friend.

"It consists, as I understand, of gold pieces struck in the reign of Philip and Mary, images of the same metal, crosses, pyxes, chalices, and other Popish and superstitious vessels, buried, probably, when Queen Elizabeth came to the throne, and the religion changed." "Not unlikely," replied Hodges. "Where is your husband's body, Mrs. Malmayns?"

"Doctor Hodges has informed a friend of mine that the pretty Amabel has fallen into a decline. The poor soul is, doubtless, pining for me; and it would be the height of inhumanity to let her perish." Leonard ground his teeth-with suppressed rage. "Then you mean to make her Countess of Rochester, after all," laughed Etherege. "I thought you had determined to carry off Mistress Mallett."

But it struck Packard that the bartender did not appear happy; his face was flushed and hot, his eyes looked troubled. Now and then he flashed a quick look at Blenham who stood leaning against the bar at the far end, twisting an empty whiskey-glass slowly in his big hand, staring frowningly at nothing. "Hodges is a fool and he has just been told so!" was Steve's answer to the situation.

His Bible, in which before breakfast he had been searching for a text, lay open on the side table. Behind its place on the shelf was a small skivet he had let into the wall; and in that drawer was stored something over twenty-five pounds, the third of his savings. Geake kept a bank-account, and the balance lay at interest with Messrs. Climo and Hodges, of St. Austell.

"Another cup of tea, my Angelina?" said Miss Hodges, when she had finished her tirade against her persecutors, that is to say, her friends, "another cup, my Angelina? do, after your journey and fatigue, take another cup." "No more, I thank you." "Then reach me that tragedy, Nat you know " "Your own tragedy, is it, my dear?" said he. "Ah, Nat, now! you never can keep a secret," said Miss Hodges.

For the first time he strained to free himself, to cry out through the thick bandage that gagged him. The box trembled. His mightiest effort almost sent it crashing to the floor. Sweating, powerless, he looked again through the narrow slit. In the struggle the woman's hair had loosened, and tumbled now in shining masses down her back. Her hands were gripping at Hodges' throat.

Couldn't get any crackers at those wretched shops in Chagmouth either." "D'you want crackers?" "Rather!" "They had a lot of fireworks last November at Hodges' in Durracombe. Perhaps they'd have some left." "Oh, good bizz! We'll stop in the High Street and see, before we go into school." They were in excellent time, so they called a halt at Hodges' shop and dismissed the car.

He turned to the door, his blood suddenly stirred with certainty: Blenham had stolen the ten thousand dollars, and the theft had been committed no longer ago than last Saturday night. Just a week there was the chance "Hey, there," called Hodges. "Who'll I say lef this? What name, stranger?" Steve turned and regarded him coolly. "Tell him Steve Packard called.

Mervyn's barge had crossed the lake, I was informed by my landlord, with the squire himself and a visitor. "What sort of person, landlord?" "Why, he was a dark officer-looking mon, at they called Colonel. Squoire Mervyn questioned me as close as I had been at 'sizes. I had guess, Mr. Noa, noa, e'en let un smell things out o' themselves for Joe Hodges."