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He left her a long time ago. He he wanted to come back to me and Amabel, but he was ashamed, but finally he came to the asylum, and then it all rolled off, all the trouble. The doctors said I had been getting better, but they didn't know. It was Jim's comin' back. He's took me home, and I've come for Amabel, and he's got a job in Lloyd's, and he's bought me this new hat and cape."

"Well, then," returned Leonard, "when the family have retired to rest, come downstairs, and I will tell you what to do." Hastily promising compliance, Amabel disappeared; and Leonard ran down the stairs, at the foot of which he encountered Mrs. Bloundel. "What is the matter?" she asked. "Nothing nothing," replied the apprentice, evasively. "That-will not serve my turn," she rejoined.

It made her suddenly seem older than himself and at once more piteous and more sinister. For a moment, after the sheer stupor, he was horribly angry with her; then came dismay at his own cruelty. "This does change things, Amabel," he said at last. "Yes," she answered from behind her hands. "I don't know how Hugh will take it," said Bertram. "He must divorce me now," she said.

If only I could learn to think of myself as free instead of maimed and left by the wayside. It is hard to live without love if one has always had it. But I have freed you, Amabel. I am glad of that. It has been a cruel, but a right thing to do. He shall not come to you with his shameless love; he shall not come between you and your boy. You shan't misplace your worship so.

Amabel stood behind it, and looked into the room, more than half dark, without a fire, and very large, gloomy, and cheerless, in the gray autumn twilight, that just enabled her to see the white pillows on the sofa, and Philip's figure stretched out on it. Markham advanced and stood doubtful for an instant, then in extremity, began 'Hem! Lady Morville is come, and

Andrew was inexpressibly relieved when he reached home to find that the dressmaker was gone, and Fanny, having sent Amabel to bed, was chiefly anxious to know how her sister had reached the asylum. It was not until the latter part of the evening that she brought up the subject of the bank.

He was a capable, conventional man of the world, sure of himself and rather suspicious of others. Amabel imagined him a model of all that was good and lovely. The sudden bereavement of her youth bewildered and overwhelmed her; her capacity for dependent, self-devoting love sought for an object and lavished itself upon her brother.

Robert laughed. "What is the matter?" he said. "What does he do without his coat if it is as cold as that where he lives?" asked Amabel, severely. There was almost an accent of horror in her childish voice. "Why, my dear child," said Robert, "the little animal is dead. He isn't running around without his coat. He was shot for his fur." "To make you a coat?"

"No," replied Leonard. "There is no change in affection like mine." "Pursue the course I have advised," replied Amabel, "and you will find all your troubles vanish. Farewell! I depend upon your silence!" And she quitted the room, leaving Leonard in a state of indescribable anxiety.

Compton, who, it appeared, always arose with the sun, was busied in tending her flowers, and as Amabel watched her interesting pursuits, she could scarcely help envying her. "What a delightful life your mistress must lead," she observed to a female attendant who was present; "I cannot imagine greater happiness than hers."

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