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'I do mean that, Sammy, replied his father, 'and I vish you could ha' seen how tight he held on by the sides wen he did get up, as if he wos afeerd o' being precipitayted down full six foot, and dashed into a million hatoms. He tumbled in at last, however, and avay ve vent; and I rayther think I say I rayther think, Samivel that he found his-self a little jolted ven ve turned the corners.

Joel's good-humour was proof against even this. "I've scoured to some purpose, then. Dun't tell the mester: it'll muddle his brains t'-night. Wait till mornin'. Squire More'll be down his-self t' 'xplain." He rubbed the greasy fingers into his hair, while Mrs. Howth's eyes were fixed in dumb perplexity.

"He were gettin' feebler and feebler every day," said the housekeeper. "But nobody dare say so to him, and he wouldn't admit it his-self. He were that theer high-spirited 'at he did things same as if he were a young man. But I knew how it 'ud be in the end and so it has been I knew he'd go off all of a sudden.

"Well, as I was a-goin' to say," resumed Evan, "the story may or may not be true, but it's possible, an' it was told to me when I was a boy by the old fisherman as said he saw the dead man his-self. One stormy night the fleet was out for you must know the fishin' was carried on in the old days in the same way pretty much, though they hadn't steamers to help 'em like we has now.

'This here money, said Sam, with a little hesitation, 'he's anxious to put someveres, vere he knows it'll be safe, and I'm wery anxious too, for if he keeps it, he'll go a-lendin' it to somebody, or inwestin' property in horses, or droppin' his pocket-book down an airy, or makin' a Egyptian mummy of his-self in some vay or another. 'Wery good, Samivel, observed Mr.

"Yes," he answered bitterly, "it's here he has been huntin' huntin' deer the pootiest deer these mountings ever see." Of course the old negro did not understand the man's allusion. He was puzzled by the speech; but Joe went on without an explanation: "But thar is danger in sech huntin'. Your young master, maybe, better keep a lookout for his-self!" His voice trembled with intensity.

I mane if ye say any timbers or spars from the wrack drifting inshore, just you hould your eye on thim, or the divil a mother's son ye'll have a roof over his hid or a pace of foire to warm his-self! Faix, ye needn't snigger, ye spalpeens; it's the truth I'm afther tellin' ye!" and Mr McCarthy then went off, shaking his fist good-humouredly at those who laughed at his quaint speech.

'Who's lying dead upstairs; sech was his Bible language; and where was Mr Chuzzlewit as had the only son; and when he goes upstairs a-looking in the beds and wandering about the rooms, and comes down again a-whisperin' softly to his-self about foul play and that; it gives me sech a turn, I don't deny it, Mr Chuzzlewit, that I never could have kep myself up but for a little drain o' spirits, which I seldom touches, but could always wish to know where to find, if so dispoged, never knowin' wot may happen next, the world bein' so uncertain.

"You're the old ooman as knows how to give a feller a good hearty squeeze. But don't come it too strong, mother, else you'll put me all out o' shape. See, daddy's a-goin' to show his-self off." This last remark had reference to a small bundle which David Bright was hastily untying. "See here, Nell," he said, with a strange mixture of eagerness and modesty, "I've joined 'em at last old girl.

"Damme, Will, you're a praetty sort of a broather to give me the slip in that way. But in this world every man for his-self!" "I tell you," said William, with something like decision in his voice, "that I will not do any wrong to these young men if they live." "Who asks you to do a wrong to them? booby!