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Everyone passing through the Strip stopped to look at the many small fields and a few large ones dotting the prairie. People came from other parts of the frontier to see the rapid development which the Brulé had made. "Mein Gott in Himmel!" shouted old Mr. Husmann, pointing to a field of oats. "Look at them oats. We get one hell of a crop for raw land."

Freda, it's all wrong, this spending more money than they can afford on us; I've felt it all along. Now let's stop it. The church has got enough." "Is it true about papa?" said Freda, in German. "Ach Himmel! Yes, my child. Dost thou not know thy father yet? For all he seems still and stern, thou art more than all the world to him." Mrs.

"Hïmmel!" he exclaimed, and added beneath his breath: "No wonder we are having such trouble disposing of these English!" "We hope, sir," said Hal, walking up to the German commander, "that you will see fit to stay the execution." "In that event, you will have to consider yourselves prisoners and stand trial as spies," was the reply. The lads bowed their heads in assent.

Ach Gott, ach Gott, ach Gott." He buried his face in his pillow and sobbed hysterically. I explained to him that it had been necessary to remove his arm, but that he would live and be well treated and see no more fighting. He turned round and stared at me and then shouted jubilantly: "Jetzt weiss ich's Now I know thank God, I shall live, live, live. O du lieber Himmel, das Glúck ist zu gross."

I've lapped up iron-and-wine, and whole rivers of milk, and I've devoured rare porterhouse and roast beef day after day for weeks. So! Eggs!" "Mein Himmel!" ejaculated he, fervently, "And you still live!" A suspicion of a smile dawned in his eyes. I wondered if he ever laughed. I would experiment.

Believe me, you had better part friends with us; for, deportation or no deportation, you'll be seeing one of us turning up before long to pay you off for any nasty dodge you may be hatching in that fat head of yours." "Gott im Himmel!" groaned Schomberg. "Will nothing move him out? Will he stop here immer I mean always? Suppose I were to make it worth your while, couldn't you "

Lena's eyes were heavy with the deep slumber of exhaustion, but she smiled and lay close to the one she had longed to see. There among the mail sacks, covered in a nest of strange blankets and comforters, she had lain asleep until wakened by the voices around her. Fritz stared at her with eyes that bulged behind his spectacles. "Gott in Himmel!" he shouted. "How did you get in that wagon?

"Gott in himmel," finished the corporal, "I never was so frightened in my life. I see him now, as plain as I see you, mynheer. Twenty tousand tyfils, but the voice was like de tunder and his eye like de lightning I fell back in one swoon. Ah, mein Gott, mein Gott!"

"And suppose she is ogly or not so nice or so on zen vill I not see her, eh?" "But suppose she is tolerable?" "Zen vill ve give him a choice, and I vill continue to be polite to Miss Gallosh. Ah, Bonker, she is so nice! He vill not like Miss Maddison so vell! Himmel, I do admire her!" The Baron's eyes shone with reminiscent affection.

A single shrill hiss came from the casting room. "Why do you claim superiority, Norden?" Taylor spoke. The spy turned. For the first time he saw Taylor. "Himmel!" Norden's eyes looked beyond Taylor and rested on Masters, who was emerging from the tunnel. "Is it because you pose the doctrine of slavery and destruction? Is it because your cultural contributions are keyed to military conquest?