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"I am the ugliest child in the school," she had said once, after staring at herself in the glass for some minutes. But there had been a clever, good-natured little French teacher who had said to the music-master: "Zat leetle Crewe. Vat a child! A so ogly beauty! Ze so large eyes! ze so little spirituelle face. Waid till she grow up. You shall see!"

Vat you found in my pocket vas a mere joke, and ze cabman who called next day vas jost vat I told him to his ogly face a blackmail." "You gave him money to go away." "A Blitzenberg does not bargain mit cabmen," said the Baron loftily. His wife's spirits began to revive. There seemed to speak the owner of Fogelschloss, the haughty magnate of Bavaria.

An observant person would have noticed that as he said this he raised his voice above his usual tone. "At one time," Colonel John replied with simplicity, "I was fairly proficient. Then this happened!" He held out his right hand. "You see?" "Ah!" the Frenchman said in a low tone, and he raised his hands. "That is ogly! That is vare ogly!

You think I speak par dérision; not at all. No, my dear cheaile, I do not speak par moquerie, unless perhaps the very least degree in the world. And with these words Madame laughed unpleasantly, showing the black caverns at the side of her mouth, and with a cold, steady malignity in her gaze. 'Yes, I said; 'I know what you mean, Madame you hate me. 'Oh! wat great ogly word!

"And suppose she is ogly or not so nice or so on zen vill I not see her, eh?" "But suppose she is tolerable?" "Zen vill ve give him a choice, and I vill continue to be polite to Miss Gallosh. Ah, Bonker, she is so nice! He vill not like Miss Maddison so vell! Himmel, I do admire her!" The Baron's eyes shone with reminiscent affection.

She pronounced it "ogly," and seemed to think that the story finished there. At all events, she added nothing to it. But Joseph thought fit to contribute a post scriptum. "You'd better tell 'em, mistress," he said, "that he tried to starve yer and them kids that he wanted to leave yer at Msala to be massacred by the tribes, only Mr. Oscard sent yer down 'ere. You'd better tell 'em that."

"Well, dat be all same only a litil bit more ogly," retorted Bunco, with a grin, "an' me no want to lose sight ob Doctor Os'n here: me come for to show him how to go troo de forest."

She's very fond o' sledgin' and walkin' in snow-shoes. 'Tis well for her, bekase there's a want o' companions for her here intirely." "Ah! mercy, dat is superb, magnifique!" said the Frenchman, feeling the edge of the axe with his thumb. "It sharp 'nuff to shave de hair off your ogly face, Bryan." "Thin be off wid ye, an' don't kape me longer from my work.

No one love heem, only Beppo and Giova. No one love Giova, only Beppo; but some day Beppo he keel Giova now HE is dead, for Beppo vera large, strong bear fierce bear ogly bear. Even Giova who love Beppo is afraid Beppo. Beppo devil bear! Beppo got evil eye. "Well," said Bridge, "I guess, Giova, that you and we are in the same boat.

You'll not be missed out o' the pictur', bein' only a small objict, d'ye see, besides an ogly one." The jovial Canadian acknowledged the compliment with a smile and obeyed the command, leaving his companions to smoke their pipes and gaze with quiet complacency upon the magnificent scene. Doubtless, much of their satisfaction resulted from the soothing influence of tobacco on their empty stomachs.