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Jack Pringle hitched up his trousers and swore, then took off his hat and began to shout to the admiral, as he said, "D e, they are too late to spoil the sport. Hilloa! hurrah!" "What's all that about, Jack?" inquired the admiral, as he came puffing along. "What's the squall about?" "Only a few horse-marines and bumboat-women, that have been startled like a company of penguins."

Amid the uproar his silence was for some time unheeded; but at length Harry Whitaker, his old college chum, now lieutenant in his Majesty's navy, and with a considerable portion of broad sailor's humour and slang, observed it, and slapping him roundly on the back, cried, "Hilloa, Frank! what are you dodging about? quizzing the rig of your convoy, because they have too much light duck set to walk steadily through the water?"

You are differently situated to what I am." "How so?" "Remember, that I am in the world a lone man; without ties or connexions. If I lose my life, I compromise no one by my death; but you have a mother and a bereaved sister to look to who will deserve your care." "Hilloa," cried the admiral, "what's this?"

She was one of your delicate little creatures as don't live long in this here world; no, blow me; when I came home from a eighteen months' cruise, once I seed her drinking rum out of a quart pot, so I says, 'Hilloa, what cheer? And only to think now of the wonderful effect that there had upon her; with that very pot she gives the fellow as was standing treat a knobber on the head as lasted him three weeks.

"This is better," he murmured to himself, pleased with what he had written, and he prepared to go on, but before he could start again, there was a knock on the door, and Magnolia came in. "You're wanted on the telephone, sir!" she said. "Who is it?" "I don't know, sir. They didn't say!" He went downstairs and took up the receiver. "Hilloa!" he said. "Is that you, Paddy?" was the response.

I was on the brig's forecastle, anxiously examining all I could make out on board the ship, as her size, and shape, and rig, became slowly more and more distinct; and I hailed "Ship ahoy!" "Hilloa! What brig's that?" "An American, with a French privateer-lugger close on board me, directly in my wake. You had better be stirring!" I heard the quick exclamation of "The devil there is!"

"Here they are," cried the seamen; "and they have brought the prize along with them! Three cheers for the Arrow!" "Hilloa! You'll be on board of us?" cried Hautaine. "That's exactly what I intend to be, sir," replied Pickersgill, jumping on the quarter-deck, followed by his men. "Who the devil are you?"

He came away from Bundy, and walked aimlessly down Fleet Street. "Lots of other people would have had a fine autumn if it hadn't been for this," he thought to himself, and then he saw Leadenham and Crowborough, who worked on the Cottenham Guardian. They were very pale and tired-looking. "Hilloa!" he said, slapping Leadenham on the back. Leadenham jumped ... startled!

"Hilloa!" said he, lazily, observing his wife's movements, "what's the gal been doing, hey?" "What's she been doing?" repeated Peg; "I should like to know what she hasn't been doing. She's refused to go in and buy some gingerbread of the baker, as I told her." "Look here, little gal," said Dick, in a moralizing vein, "isn't this rayther undootiful conduct on your part?

As Fritz and Jack were thus engaged in gazing listlessly on the ocean, and reflecting upon their altered prospects, and perhaps trying to penetrate the veil of the future, Willis came towards them rubbing his breast, as if he had been seized with a violent internal spasm. "Hilloa," cried Jack, "the Pilot is sea-sick! Shall I run for some brandy, Willis?"