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"I daren't tell you, yer honour, for fear I'll make another mistake. I thowt, sur, as it would take a hangel with black wings to nick me like this 'ere, and now I've bin done by somebody; but it's the waccinatin', yer honour it's the waccination. In the Proverbs of Job we read, 'fool and his money soon parted, and so we can see 'ow true the teachin' is to-day." "But what is to be done, Simon?"

"Vell, you see," continued the boy, "ven I'd made myself so disagreeable that the old gen'l'man would 'ave nothin' to do with me, I came straight away, an' 'ere I am; but it was a trial, let me tell you, specially ven 'e come to mention wages an sitch a 'eavenly smell o' roasted wittles come up from the kitchen too at the moment, but I 'ad only to look at Miss Di, to make me as stubborn as a nox or a hass. `Wot! thinks I to myself, `betray that hangel no, never! yet if I was to go into that 'ouse I know I'd do it, for daddy's got sitch a wheedlin' way with 'im w'en 'e likes, that I couldn't 'old hout long so I giv' old Swallowed-the-poker sitch a lot o' cheek that I thought 'e'd kick me right through the winder.

This lovely pitcher is hintitled "The Hangel of Charity", and shows us the beautiful Lady Slumrent seated at the table in a cosy corner of 'er charmin' boodore, writin' out a little cheque for the relief of the poor of Slumtown.

"And what a pleasant voice he has," said Alfred; "it quite charms my ear; it is not like a mad voice. It is like I'm mad myself." "And he has got a fiddle, and plays it like a hangel, by all accounts," said the Robin; "only he won't touch it but when he has a mind." At night Alfred dreamed he heard Julia's sweet mellow voice speaking to him; and he looked, and lo! it was the able seaman.

"It's within the sp'ere of practical politics for you and me, my boy; we may both be bowled over, one up, t'other down, within the next ten minutes. It would be rather a lark, now, if you only skipped across, came up smilin' t'other side, and a hangel met you with a B. and S. under his wing. 'Ullo, you'd s'y: come, I tyke this kind." The captain groaned.

A man wants a wife as 'e can respect some one as is a cut above 'imself, as will raise 'im up a peg or two some one as 'e can look up to and worship. A man's wife orter be to 'im a gawddess a hangel, a "'You appear to have met the lady, I remarked, interrupting him. "He blushed scarlet, and became suddenly absorbed in the pattern of the carpet.

Mary bore all the scolding like a hangel, as she was: no, not if she had a pair of wings and a goold trumpet, could she have been a greater hangel. I never shall forgit one seen that took place. It was when Master was in the city; and so, having nothink earthly to do, I happened to be listening on the stairs. The old scolding was a-going on, and the old tune of that hojus "Battle of Prag."

I ain't dreamin', am I? 'As a hangel really come to my bedside all the vay from the Vest-end, an' brought 'er dear pa' vich means the guv'nor, I fancy all for to tell me a kid whose life is spent in `movin' on' that she's wery, wery, sorry I've got my leg broke, an' that she's bin an' done it, an' she would like to know if she can do hanythink as'll make me vell! But it ain't true. It's a big lie!

"They're okkard an' in the way, unless they're the same kind as Miss Denning I mean Mrs Frewen, bless her heart! for it was like havin' of a hangel with us. But I say, Mr Dale, sir," he added with a chuckle; "her brother didn't like the doctor, bein' a bit jealous like; but I says to Neb Dumlow and Barney when they first come aboard, `You see if them two don't make up a match."

"Granny!" muttered Joshua, in expostulation. "He's a brave boy, and does not mind roughing it, so he can get on," said Rosamond. "And the ladies are very good to me," said the boy. "Show Lady Rosamond the draught you did of Miss Vivian, like a hangel," suggested the aunt. The rising artist coloured, saying, "Please, my lady, don't name it to no one.