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Tate," said Ben, with studied, politeness, "that no doctor can never compare with a preacher, for I've seen a doctor myself, an' there's the kind of work he done," displaying his wooden leg and foot with pride. "But what I say is that w'en it comes to doin' real 'igh-class, fine work, give me the Reverend Richard Boyle, Esquire. Yes, sir, sez I, Dick Boyle's the man fer me!" "Aw, gwan now wid ye!

Rosemary very nearly dropped her new percolator. "Y' ain't?" "Aw, gwan! Only reason I wouldn't take two hundred a week would be because I'd drop dead at the chance and couldn't." "Well, listen. There's one point that hasn't spilled into studio gossip yet," Luck managed to slip into the uproar. "I didn't take the place.

They found the Quartermaster on a stringpiece immersed to the neck and smoking his pipe, and surrounded him four small, shouting imps, floating barrels with splashing hands and kicking feet. "Gwan, ye little devils!" said the Quartermaster, clutching the stringpiece and looking about in the gloom for a weapon.

"Well, now, Mawse Chawlie, I gwan t' ass you a riddle. If dat is so, den fo' w'y I yeh folks bragg'n 'bout de 'stayt o' s'iety in Eu'ope'?" The mincing drollery with which she used this fine phrase brought another peal of laughter. Nobody tried to guess. "I gwan tell you," said the marchande; "'t is becyaze dey got a 'fixed wuckin' class." She sputtered and giggled with the general ha, ha.

But he wrenched free never felt his wound and hurried to the lieutenant. "Right in the back, Cap." Sure enough. The feathered tip of an arrow was sticking out from under the slat of the seat-back behind the lieutenant. The captain pulled at it, the lieutenant squirmed. "Hurt you much, Hallowell?" "Some. No matter. Pull it out. Hi! Gwan! Yip!"

Uh course, I aim to beat him to it, but Happy never does like to have a sure-thing. He wants something to hang his jaw down over. Put your money on Billy and watch it fade away, Happy." "Aw, gwan. I betche that there sorrel " "I rode that there sorrel once, and combed his forelock with both spurs alternate," Andy lied boldly. "He's pickings. Take him back and bring me a real hoss."

She ain't no doctor-woman." This from Dinney, who had the advantage of early acquaintance. "She's on'y a cuttin' roun' de street. Youse better not be smudgin' up her dress, Carrots gwan off, now! All o' youse gwan an' let de lady 'lone. Me 'n' Hunkie's de on'y ones as she wants roun'." Dinney and Hunkie escorted Gloria to the end of the street and back.

"Close enough so you can holler from here to their back door, my boy if they have their say about it," Andy assured him cheerfully. Andy felt that he could afford to be facetious now that he had Chip and Weary on his side. "Aw, gwan! I betche there ain't a word of truth in all that scarey talk," Happy Jack fleered heavily. "Name your bet. I'll take it."

"You'll be gettin' wise to all the inside deals now, eh?" says he, winkin' foxy. "And maybe we might work off something together. Yes?" "Sure!" says I. "I'll come down every noon with the office secrets and let you peddle 'em around Broad street from a pushcart. Gwan, you parrot-beaked near-broker! Why, I wouldn't trust tellin' you the time of day!" Izzy grins like I'd paid him a compliment.

Mo' pas ça! I swea' befo' God! Oh, no, no, no! 'Tain' nutt'n' nohow but a lill play-toy, Miché. Oh, sweet Miché Jean, you not gwan to kill me? I di' n' mek it! It was ef you lemme go, I tell you who mek it! Sho's I live I tell you, Miché Jean ef you lemme go! Sho's God's good to me ef you lemme go! Oh, God A'mighty, Miché Jean, sho's God's good to me." She was becoming incoherent.