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The Red Un, waking full, now remembered that he hated the Chief; for fear he did not hate him enough, he recalled the lifebelt, and his legs, and the girl laughing. "All right!" he said. "Gwan, Pimples! What'll I have? Appendiceetis?" "Have a toothache," snapped the Senior Second. "Tear off a few yells anything to keep him!"

Then some bird starts to cheer and it's taken up all down the line, just on faith. "Hey, pipe the new rollin' tanks!" shouts someone. "Gwan!" sings out another wise guy. "Them's wooden bombs they're goin' to drop on Willie." It's the first time I've been counted in on any of this hooray stuff, and I can't say I hated it. At the same time I tried not to look too chesty.

She stopped the machine, looked up at dad with a sort of Bowery expression, and said: "Gwan, Chauncey Depew, you old peach, or I'll have you pinched," and the unique took dad by the arm and pulled him along real spry, but he hung back and looked over his shoulder at the woman, but she went on sewing, and dad said to me: "Well, wouldn't that frost you?" And we went on making the inspection.

There were thirty-four of them, racing on up the road at top speed. "How far now, Cap?" called the lieutenant, while he yelled and lashed. "Still coming fast, and getting closer." "Yip! Yip! Gwan with you!" Pretty soon "How far now, Cap?" The lieutenant could see nothing, behind, and the Indians had not uttered a sound. "Still coming. 'Most within shooting distance." "Yip! Hi! Yip! Yip!"

"I never realized b'fore how fire 'n brimstone's goin' to feel!" "Well, I've got to hand it to you, boys," Luck praised them with a smile. "You sat tight, and when I said 'Hold, you sure held the pose. You dissolved perfectly you'll see." "Aw, gwan!" contradicted Happy Jack with his mouth full. "I never dissolved; I plumb melted!"

"It was a bear, and he was digging at something under that shelving rock. Come on and let's take a look." "Aw, gwan!" Happy Jack adjured crossly. He was thinking of all the water he had carried painstakingly in his hat, for the relief of this conscienceless young reprobate, and he was patently suspicious of some new trick. "Well, by gracious!"

"Happy, you'll have to drive," said Weary, his tone a command. "Aw, gwan!" Happy Jack objected, "He rode out here all right last night unless somebody took him up in front on the saddle, which I hain't heard about nobody doing. A cook's supposed to do his own driving. I betche " Weary went close and pointed a finger impressively.

"A feller with a hole in his lung yuh could throw a calf through sideways ain't got no business statin' his views on nothin', by cripes!" "Aw gwan. I thought you said it didn't amount t' nothin'," Happy reminded him, anxiety stealing into his face. "Well, it don't. May lay yuh up a day or two; wouldn't be su'prised if yuh had to stay on the bed-ground two or three meals. But look at Slim, here.

It was, therefore, irritating to have Pink thrust forward his red face and look him over sneeringly. "Aw, gwan," he cried, "lessee what you-all c'n do." The bunch of horsemen fell to one side, and Bob started Gray Eagle from well back in the field near the deserted wagons. He passed the mounted men and thundered through the lines of standing howlers.

"I betche that there blue roan over there is a good one," he remarked. "I'm going to tackle him." Andy took his cigarette from between his lips. "Yuh better hobble your stirrups, then," he discouraged artfully. "I know that roan a heap better than you do." "Aw, gwan!" Happy, nevertheless, hesitated. "He's got a kind eye in his head; yuh can always go by a horse's eye." "Can yuh?"