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By gosh, that's what killed our cow, I reckon! We found her lyin' by the spring, cold an' stiff, two days ago!" "Have you buried the carcass?" "Not much. Turkey-buzzards attend to our cow funerals." "Of course. You look excited, my friend." "I am. We've lost other cattle and colts in this yere pasture." "Ah!" murmured the Professor. His expression became benignant.

"That settles HIM for a while," said Polynesia coming out from her hiding-place. "Now let him teach navigation to the side-board. Gosh, the cheek of the man! I've forgotten more about the sea than that lumbering lout will ever know. Let's go upstairs and tell the Doctor. Bumpo, you will have to serve the meals in the cabin for the next couple of days."

"My gosh!" he cried. "How did you come to write such a thing?" Mr. Oakes demanded. "Me write that thing? If I only had!" The facts were recalled; the sending of Mr. Sloan and many reporters to Rutland; the need of extra hands at the copy-table that day. "I found this contribution on my desk. It looked safe. In the rush of the morning I sent it up and never gave it another thought."

Say, this is the greatest town we have struck yet for excitement, and I guess dad will not have a chance to think of his sickness. This morning we went into a big department store, and, by gosh! we found the count that dad was going to fight was a floor-walker, and the countess was behind a counter selling soap.

That will get me a little whisky and you lots of tobacco." "Can't do it," said Billy. "Want me to steal? Won't do it." "Then I'll get even with you some day." Billy laughed. "Why I could lick you like Mr. John licked the doctor's son. Gosh! there goes Pole's wagon." Lamb fell to thought of how to get that whisky.

And you must be sure to write often to your mother; there's nothing you can depend on like a mother's love, my boy." Ray: "Say, look here, Carl, I want to hear something about all this aviation. How does it feel to fly, anyway? I'd be scared to death; it's funny, I can't look off the top of a sky-scraper without feeling as though I wanted to jump. Gosh!

That egg thing sort of whetted my appetite." "Gosh, you fellows would keep me cooking all the time," grumbled the steward. "It's only five, and we don't have supper until six. So you can plaguey well starve for an hour." "Then I shall go to sleep and um forget the pangs of hunger. Move your big feet out of the way, Phil." "I like your cheek, you duffer! Go on back to your own bunk."

An infamous act of desertion like this would have brought down contempt upon the head of another, and have earned him some measure of personal chastisement; but Dick was a law unto himself. 'So long, you fellows, he said. 'Why, where yer goin'? grunted Jacker Mack. ''Cross to Harry Hardy. He's down by that ole white gum. 'Gosh! so he is. I say, we'll all go. 'No, you won't.

"That's an easy promise, under the circumstances." "Bien! I never t'ink 'bout you gettin' married. By gosh! dat's fierce t'ing, for sure! Wat I'll do if " 'Poleon shook his massive shoulders as if to rid himself of such unwelcome speculations. "No danger!" Rouletta's crooked smile did not go unnoticed. 'Poleon studied her face intently; then he inquired: "Wat ail' you, li'l sister?"

Terry Gould is a good deal of a tin-horn sport, but he knows a lot about medicine, and don't you forget it for one second!" She stared down Guy's grin, and asked more cheerfully, "Is he honest, too?" "Ooooooooooo! Gosh I'm sleepy!" He burrowed beneath the bedclothes in a luxurious stretch, and came up like a diver, shaking his head, as he complained, "How's that? Who? Terry Gould honest?