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Are we boys going to be beaten by a bunch of skirts? Come on, fellows, let's work up some real genuine enthusiasm and all boost together for the snappiest dinner yet! Elegant eats, short ginger-talks, and memories shared together of the brightest, gladdest days of life. The dinner was held in a private room at the Union Club.

While this was going on, the king and his knights returned. They saw at a glance what Brune had done, and cheered him loudly. The king rode up to him. "Kneel down," he said. Be always loyal, brave, and merciful." Then all the knights were glad, but Sir Brune was gladdest of all.

It was such fun to saunter down to the station in the warm twilight, to wait, relieved of all responsibilities concerning cabs, expressmen, and belated trunks, while the crowded train pulled in, and then to dash frantically about from one dear friend to another, stopping to shake hands with a sophomore here, and there to greet a junior, but being gladdest, of course, to welcome back the members of "the finest class."

Then right and left she turned, while they crowded around her, shaking hands with all. Some horny hands she took could have crushed hers like a flower; but everywhere were expressions of love and respect. And she was the gladdest thing there. The genuine affection she felt for all the negroes was shown in her cordial greetings.

A second after-meeting was held and God seemed to be moving in the heart of every man present. Man after man rose to tell of his fall, or of his repentance, or of his new acceptance of Christ. The feeling was deep but controlled. It was one of the saddest and yet one of the gladdest meetings I have ever attended. One minister present said he had seen nothing like it all through the Welsh revival.

Now Gloria meant to kill the snake outright, not to allow the scotched reptile to writhe free. She was married; she was going with her husband into the wilderness on the most romantic of all honeymoons. The papers were free to make much of that. "Of course I want you," said King slowly. "Glad? Glad that you want to come with me? Can't you see that I am the gladdest man on earth? But "

And when a man wants to talk like that "how-do-you-do" is as good a catchphrase as the next to keep his tongue discreet. "I do very well," she told him, smiling at him, maddening him, "I always do well, here in my garden, but you, you put my sense of well-being to shame. You look so glad!" "I am the gladdest man on earth," Bruce told her, knowing chiefly that he had her hand in his.

"Oh, yes," cried Pollyanna. "I've thought of the very gladdest kind of a thing for you to do, and " "With YOU?" asked John Pendleton, his mouth growing a little stern at the corners. "N-no; but " "Pollyanna, you aren't going to say no!" interrupted a voice deep with emotion. "I I've got to, Mr. Pendleton; truly I have. Aunt Polly " "Did she REFUSE to let you come?"

Divorce Su'ad, equip her well, and in the hottest haste * With Al-Kumayt and Ziban's son, hight Nasr, send to me." "Hurry not, Prince of Faithful Men! with best of grace thy vow * I will accomplish as 'twas vowed and with the gladdest gree. I sinned not adulterous sin when loved her I, then how * Canst charge me with advowtrous deed or any villainy?

"Pollyanna," she began, almost harshly, "I have decided to to take Jamie. The car will be here at once. I'm going after him now, and bring him home. You may come with me if you like." A great light transfigured Pollyanna's face. "Oh, oh, oh, how glad I am!" she breathed. "Why, I'm so glad I I want to cry! Mrs. Carew, why is it, when you're the very gladdest of anything, you always want to cry?"