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Bob knew not how to meet its silent combat between hope and disappointment, and he hailed as a glad relief the beating echo of the Galbraiths' motor-car as it swept the horseshoe outline of the harbor and came to a stop before the gate. Mr.

"No, I don't," rejoined the younger man quickly. "The reason I didn't do so in the first place was because Zenas Henry was so upset when he heard about Madam Lee that we I thought " "He's calmed down now, ain't he?" "Yes, he seems to have accepted the facts, especially as the Galbraiths have not been near him and have let the whole matter drop.

Snelling would have been unbearable; but with them he was thoroughly charming. "Well, Morton, I am glad to have a chance to meet you in the flesh," he said, as they still loitered at the gate. "The Galbraiths have sung your praises until I began to think you a sort of myth. You certainly have something to live up to if you are to reach the reputation they have painted of your virtues. Mr.

Janoah Eldridge came no more to the Spence cottage; Snelling had vanished; the Galbraiths were occupied with their own affairs; and the barrier between Bob and Willie began slowly to wear away.

How could the Galbraiths, Bob's best friends, be discussed in his presence? There was abundant explanation, therefore, why a strained atmosphere should prevail and pass unnoticed without either Celestina or Delight suspecting that its cause was other than the disclosures made by Madam Lee on the previous afternoon.

Why, you're goin' to be rich, Delight! You'll be aunts, an' uncles, an' cousins with them Galbraiths picture it! Likely they'll take you to New York with 'em an' to goodness knows where!" The girl did not answer but moved to Willie's side and slipped her hand into his, as if certain of his understanding and sympathy.

Although she left jewels and heirlooms to my family, she left none of her other property to the Galbraiths, explaining that her daughter had all she needed and that both Cynthia and Roger had more already than was good for them." He smiled humorously. "I guessed pretty accurately what she intended to do, as some time ago we talked the matter over, and I heartily approved of her proposed bequest."

The Galbraiths, Snelling, the greed for money, Janoah's jealousy and evil suspicions ah, it did not take long for such influences to mar the peace of a heaven and smear the grime of earth upon its fairness! Only glimpses of perfection were granted the dwellers of this planet, quick, transient flashes that mirrored a future free from finite limitations.

Nor did he entertain fears for Delight or the Galbraiths. All of them could be relied upon to meet the situation with ease and dignity. But Cynthia what would be her attitude? Of late, when she had come over in the car with Mr. Snelling, she had maintained a distant politeness which would have been amusing had it not been ominous.

Min' 'at ye're Sir Gibbie, an' hae the honour o' the faimily to haud up, my man an' that ye can not dee an' drink. This cursit drink's been the ruin o' a' the Galbraiths as far back as I ken. 'Maist the only thing I can min' o' my gran'father a big bonny man, wi' lang white hair twise as big's me, Gibbie is seein' him deid drunk i' the gutter o' the pump.