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Sprague; President of the Medical University no time to go for our own doctor of course and the minute he saw Francois he said, 'Send for your own physician, madam; said it as cross as a bear, too, and turned right on his heel, and cleared out without doing a thing!" Everybody "The mean, contemptible brute!" Mrs. O "Well you may say it. I was nearly out of my wits by this time.

"François, you have had my answer. What has been done, cannot be undone. Save yourself, and leave me to my unhappy fate," answered Marie; then bursting into tears, "O François, why, why did you leave me without one word?

Philippe made his entrance politely, in the midst of a dead silence caused by general curiosity. Madame Hochon shuddered from head to foot as she beheld the author of all Agathe's woes and the murderer of good old Madame Descoings. Adolphine also felt a shock of fear. Baruch and Francois looked at each other in surprise.

As, for instance, should I say in French, 'la lettre que je vous ai ECRIT', or, 'la lettre que je vous ai ECRITE'? in which, I think, the French differ among themselves. There is a short French grammar by the Port Royal, and another by Pere Buffier, both which are worth your reading; as is also a little book called 'Les Synonymes Francois.

Our cordial greetings being over, I asked Maître François if he could give me any intelligence of D'Auvergne's division, or put me in the way to reach them. "They're some miles off by this time," said he, coolly. "When I was below the Plateau de Jena last night, that brigade you speak of got their orders to push forward to Auerstadt, to support Davoust's infantry.

"I must know the cause of these cries; I must see these children" said Madame de Fleury, getting out of her carriage. Francois held his arm for his lady as she got out. "Bon!" cried he, with an air of vexation. "Si madame la vent absolument, a la bonne heure! Mais madame sera abimee. Madame verra que j'ai raison. Madame ne montera jamais ce vilain escalier. D'ailleurs c'est au cinquieme.

"Gustave!" cried the mother, in sudden alarm, "thou growest pale thou art ill! Look then, Francois, thy son is ill!" "No, mother, I am not ill," the young man replied gravely. He kissed his mother, and put her gently away from him. In all the years of her after-life she remembered that kiss, cold as death, for it was the farewell kiss of her son.

This great Judge may wish you out of the way. He may wish to keep Armand out of his rights. He is deceiving you. It would be well, when brighter days come, that Armand should go to the western land and see this man." "But he is poor," Raoul sighs, "and he cannot go." "If he writes to the 'avocat, the man will be on his guard." Pere Francois takes many a pinch of snuff. He ponders from day to day.

To explain this pretension of M. de Luxembourg, I must give some details respecting him and the family whose name he bore. He was the only son of M. de Bouteville, and had married a descendant of Francois de Luxembourg, Duke of Piney, created Peer of France in 1581. It was a peerage which, in default of male successors, went to the female, but this descendant was not heir to it.

He became Governor of Brittany, and superintendent-in-chief of the national navigation. Henry also bestowed on him as an appanage the duchy of Vendôme. He married the daughter of Philip Emmanuel of Lorraine, Duc de Mercoeur, by whom he had three children: Isabelle, who became the wife of Charles Amédée, Duc de Nemours; Louis, who died single; and François, Duc de Beaufort.