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It was a friendly foursome: our genial host; the German Minister, Von B.; the French Minister, M.; and myself. Mr. Eyschen's wine-cellar was famous, and his old Luxembourg cook was a wonder; she served a repast which made us linger at table for three hours. The conversation rambled everywhere, and there were no chains or padlocks on it. It was in French, English, and German, but mostly in French.

For my second I played a jigger to the green. Another par four. Rutter hadn't a word to say. "Well, that's the way it went. Never had any one in our foursome played such golf as I did for nine consecutive holes. Nothing over 5 and one birdie 3. I think that Staples and Rutter were too stunned to make any comment. As for Ellins, he failed to appreciate what I was doing.

The fourth man is quite conscious of this impatience on their part, even though it may not be openly expressed by the smallest sign. So he is in a hurry to oblige, and his effort is then disappointing. I seldom hit my best ball when I am driving fourth in a four-ball foursome. Of course somebody must drive last, but not necessarily the same man every time.

Pallzey had so well mastered the baffling Intricacies that he was allowed to trail in a Foursome with the President of the Club. This happened once. It is well known that any Person who mooches around a Country Club for a sufficient Period will have some kind of a Cup wished on to him. Fourteen years after Mr.

At a select Foursome Committee after school, however, she presented the pick of the performances, and as nobody else had thought of anything better, or indeed quite so good, her suggestions, with a few amendments and alterations, were carried unanimously. At eight o'clock that evening, when preparation was finished, the boarders' room was rapidly transformed into an amateur theater.

He sat down again, still silent; but Allan saw that there was no anger on his face. "Well, father?" "She is a grand looking woman. No one can deny that. A peasant woman, though?" "Yes, sir, a peasant woman; the daughter of a Fife fisherman." "She is not a common peasant woman. You could not believe that she would ever kick her heels in a 'foursome reel, or pass coarse jokes with the lads.

Sir Mallaby suspended conversation while he addressed an imaginary ball with the mashie which he had taken out of his golf-bag. For this was the day when he went down to Walton Heath for his weekly foursome with three old friends. His tubby form was clad in tweed of a violent nature, with knickerbockers and stockings. "Sam!" "Well?" "Sam, a man at the club showed me a new grip the other day.

But next breath the falterers came again together they held their place, their way, four mighty masses of blood and bone, of breath and fire and stay, fighting it out every inch of the way, with a living sea roaring, shouting, cursing, crying encouragement on either hand. How they lay down to it! How they came up! Stretch and gather! Stretch and gather, the game and gallant foursome held to it.

But if his effort is as often as not a failure with the result that he is badly bunkered and the hole is lost it would be madness for him to attempt the carry when he is playing in a foursome with a far better man than himself as his partner. He must depart from his usual custom, and play short for safety. It will be a great relief to his partner.

The four-ball foursome, I admit, has much to recommend it when the partners are equally matched, when both are really good players more likely to do a hole in bogey than not and when the course is clear and there is no prospect of their protracted game interfering with other players who may be coming up behind.