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"Lyn, I've got something to tell you about your father and old Hans, and I'm afraid it's going to hurt," I prefaced gently, and went on before she could interrupt. "The fellows who held MacRae and me up had someway got wind of the gold they were packing out. They tried to get it. So far as I know, they haven't succeeded yet. Rutter tried to tell us where it was cached.

Then a crack of the whip, a wind of the horn, and they are off the leaders stretching the traces, two men on the box, two grooms in the rear. Hurrah! Well, by thunder, who would have believed it that's Temple inside on the back seat! "There he is waving his hand and Todd is with him. And yes! Why of course it's Rutter! See him clear that curb!

Harry carried the order to the driver, then hurried back. "How are our sick men?" he asked. "Both alive, but delirious. Doc Gitney has a man nurse to help him now." "Did Mr. Rutter leave any orders for me?" pressed Harry. "No; Rutter is in charge of the actual field work only." "Who gives the main orders?" "I do -unless New York changes the plan." Tom hastily narrated what had taken place in Mr.

It was printed in 1635, and the title-page informs us that it was 'Written by J. R., initials which there is satisfactory evidence for regarding as those of Joseph Rutter, the translater of Corneille's Cid, who appears to have been in some way attached to the households both of Sir Kenelm Digby and the Earl of Dorset. The play was acted before Charles and his queen at Whitehall.

"For that, Lieutenant Rutter, I will have you disgraced. And then I will look after your Marie. Orderly!" His voice rose to a shout as he strode to the door. "Good-bye, my love." Fritz strained her to him, and the Kid saw her kiss him once on the lips. Then she disengaged herself from his arms, and walked steadily to where the Colonel still shouted up the entrance.

In Shoreby Abbey Church the prayers were kept up all night without cessation, now with the singing of psalms, now with a note or two upon the bell. Rutter, the spy, was nobly waked.

They ain't got twelve hours' start an' by God I'll smell 'em out in the dark for this!" It was like a knife-thrust in the back; such a devilish and unexpected turn of affairs that for half a second I had the same shuddery feeling that came to me the night I stooped over Hans Rutter and gasped at sight of what the fiends had done.

How fine and strong you are my son not like your father you're like your mother. And you've broadened out mentally as well as physically. Pretty hard I tell you to spoil a gentleman more difficult still to spoil a Rutter. But you must get that beard off it isn't becoming to you, and then somebody might think you disguised yourself on purpose.

"Think of the awful job of explaining to the white necktie crowd how you happened to be dynamiting a safe on Baldpate Mountain at midnight." "Oh, I guess I can get around that," said the mayor. "That money belongs to a friend of mine Andy Rutter. I happen to go to the inn for a little rest, and I grab you dynamiting the safe. I'll keep an eye on you to-day, Mr. Magee.

Rutter was about to flare out a denial when his better judgment got the best of him; some other tactics than the ones he had used must be brought into play. So far he had made but little headway against Temple's astounding coolness. "And I am to understand, then, that you are going to keep him here?" he demanded, ignoring both his host's criticisms and his proffered hospitality.