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So she shut up all the several articles in the drawers of a piece of furniture and gave the key to Bourgoin; then sending for a foot-bath, in which she stayed for about ten minutes, she lay down in bed, where she was not seen to sleep, but constantly to repeat prayers or to remain in meditation.

The rules provided that the winner was he who could extinguish the conflagration raging in the foot-bath in the shortest possible time, and with the least expenditure of water. But the natural desire to win and to record good times meant that you were apt, in the haste and enthusiasm of the moment, to miss the bath entirely, and to flood quite a different part of the nursery.

She was carrying a little wooden tub, which she placed on the floor near my chair. "Take a foot-bath," said she; "it will do you good." This kindness on the part of a stranger affected me more than I cared to show, and I thought: "There are kind people in the world." I took off my stockings; my feet were bleeding, and the good old dame repeated, as she gazed at them: "Poor child! poor child!"

When vomiting is almost the first symptom, six teaspoonfuls of hot water are to be taken every ten minutes for an hour; then treat as above with foot-bath, hot vinegar, and oil. In a severe case have medical aid if at all possible. Where there is great fever spread a large dry towel or sheet on the bed. Lay one wrung out of lukewarm water on it; let the patient lie down on this.

"I am ready, Jack," she called, softly. He came in with a tray of tea and toast and a bit of cold chicken. She followed his movement with tired, shy eyes, wondering at his knowledge of little things. They ate their luncheon together by the fire. Twice he gravely refilled the foot-bath with hotter water, and she settled back in her soft, warm chair, sighing contentment.

"You are laughing at me; it's not so bad as that. I will walk back slowly, and will take a foot-bath in my room." "Lean upon me, then, and I will help you," said the artist, offering his arm. "Thanks; I do not need you," Octave replied; "go to the devil!" he continued, in an expressive aside. "Capisco!" Marillac replied, in the same tone, giving his arm an expressive pressure.

"Yes, Martha," he answered, meekly, "it is very late, but I could not help it, and I insisted upon walking rather than have the tired, sleeping boy come out in the cold. I needed the exercise. I am not cold." "But you have taken cold. You needn't tell me, and I've got the water ready for a foot-bath, and some hot boneset tea. How did you leave Mr.

He received the abuse consequent on this delay in silence, nor did the major condescend to read in the flushed face and glaring eyes of the man, the anger under which he was laboring. The old gentleman's foot-bath was at the fire; his gown and slippers awaiting him there.

"Fannie, you go right home, and let your mother give you a good drink of hot lemonade with whiskey in it. And take a foot-bath, too." Fannie coughed again. "Don't you tell me, Rhona. Look out for yourself. There gets trouble yet on this street." Myra drew nearer, a dull feeling in her breast. Rhona spoke easily: "None of the men said anything or did anything, did they?"

Waiter! and the foot-bath! The little glass stands in a small tin saucer or shallow dish, and the custom is to more than fill the glass, so that some extra brandy rung over into this tin saucer or cup-plate, to the manifest gain of the consumer. Life is a petit verre of a very peculiar kind of spirit. At seventy years it used to be said that the little glass was full.