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"I'm Victoria Flint. I live not very far from the Four Corners that is, about eight miles. May I come over and see you sometime?" Although Victoria said this very simply, the mother's eyes widened until one might almost have said they expressed a kind of terror. "Land sakes alive, be you Mr. Flint's daughter? I might have knowed it from the lace that dress must have cost a fortune.

Now, if I can't get away nohow, and they tip me the black spot, mind you, it's my old sea-chest they're after; you get on a horse you can, can't you? Well, then, you get on a horse and go to well, yes, I will! to that eternal doctor swab, and tell him to pipe all hands magistrates and sich and he'll lay 'em aboard at the 'Admiral Benbow' all old Flint's crew, man and boy, all on 'em that's left.

Two days and a night of almost uninterrupted labor had given a severe strain to her nerves, and left her in a dangerous state. Something in her face arrested Mrs. Flint's attention; she observed that Christie was putting on her best cloak and hat, and to her suspicious eye the bundle of work looked unduly large.

Cunningham's right hand flew out with the sinister quickness of a cobra's strike, and he had Flint's brawny wrist in grip. He danced about, twisted and lurched until he came to an abrupt stop behind Flint's back. Flint's mouth began to bend at the corners a grimace. "You'll break it yourself, Flint, if you move another inch," said Cunningham, nonchalantly.

I was first mate, I was old Flint's first mate, and I'm the only one as knows the place. He gave it me to Savannah, when he lay a-dying, like as if I was to now, you see. But you won't peach unless they get the black spot on me, or unless you see that Black Dog again, or a seafaring man with one leg, Jim him above all." "But what is the black spot, captain?" I asked. "That's a summons, mate.

I couldn't wish any better paymaster than Mr. Gale. Are you going to work in the city?" "Yes. I have a place in Mr. Flint's jewelry store on Union Square." "Really? That is quite a high-toned place. I got my best spoons there." "Have you got a room for me?" asked Andy, a little anxiously. "Yes, I've got a small hall bedroom. I suppose you didn't expect a square room?" "It would be too expensive."

Like his governor-general and dependent, Mr. Hilary Vane, he had married a wife who had upset all his calculations. The lady discovered Mr. Flint's balance in the bank, and had proceeded to use it for her own glorification, and the irony of it all was that he could defend it from everybody else. Mrs. Flint spent, and Mr.

The greatest Athenians were certainly not religious in Professor Flint's sense of the word, and the grand old Roman patriots had scarcely a scintillation of such a religious faith as he speaks of. Their religion was simply patriotism, but it was quite as operant and effective as Christian piety has ever been.

That was Flint's treasure that we had come so far to seek, and that had cost already the lives of seventeen men from the Hispaniola. How many it had cost in the amassing, what blood and sorrow, what good ships scuttled on the deep, what brave men walking the plank blindfold, what shot of cannon, what shame and lies and cruelty, perhaps no man alive could tell.

Flint's original character may have been in his long-forgotten youth on the wind-swept hill farm in Truro, his methods of attack lacked directness now; perhaps a long business and political experience were responsible for this trait. "Your mother didn't come down to dinner, I suppose." "No," said Victoria. Simpson tells me the young bull got loose and cut himself badly.