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"'Likewise thar's an old longhorn they calls the 'Major'; he's been hangin' about for even longer yet. Don't go to figgerin' on no hostilities between this Pinon Bill an' the Major, for their trails never does cross once.

"Well, McNeill he agreed to get a gang of bad ones from the Saginaw to run in on the river, and I heard Heinzman tell him to send 'em in to headwaters. And McNeill said, 'That's all right about the cash, Mr. Heinzman, but I been figgerin' on gettin' even with Orde for some myself." "Is that all?" inquired Orde. "That's about all," confessed Charlie.

I've ben figgerin'. Creek claims is five hundred feet. Call 'em ten to the mile. They's a thousand stampeders ahead of us, an' that creek ain't no hundred miles long. Somebody's goin' to get left, an' it makes a noise like you an' me." Before replying, Smoke let out an unexpected link that threw Shorty half a dozen feet in the rear.

Those were my thoughts, too." "I reckon you two wasn't far away from my trail either," said the Ring Tailed Panther, "'cause I was figgerin' that we'd take it inside of a month." "Count me in, too," said Obed. "Great minds go in bunches. I was calculating that we would capture it some day, but I left out the limit of time."

She wishes to earn enough money to set afoot a private inquiry for Chief Totantora. For she does not believe he is dead." "Well, the poor dear," Aunt Alvirah said, "she'd ought to be helped, I haven't a doubt." "Now, now!" exclaimed the miller, suspiciously. "Charity begins at home. I hope you ain't figgerin' on any foolish waste of money, Niece Ruth." The latter laughed.

"He took out his pocket pen and his check book and done a little figgerin'. "'Humph! he says, again. 'You lost five hundred and I've paid you five hundred and five. What's the five for? "'That's my commission on the sales, I says. "And just then comes a hail from outside the shanty. Out we bolted and there was Sam Davis, just steppin' ashore from his power boat.

Nigh as I can make out you're figgerin' to open up some kind of a high-toned eatin' house. Is that it?" "Why, no, Uncle Shad, not exactly," explained Mary. "Then what is it a drinkin' house? I presume likely that's it, bein' as you call it a 'tea-room. Kind of a temperance saloon, eh? Can't a feller get coffee in it, if he wants to? I don't wake up nights much hankerin' for tea myself."

You'll run Sol away from the raiders when they chase you? Run him after them when they try to get away?" "Shore. I'll run all the time. They can't gain on Sol, an' he'll run them down when I want. Can you beat it?" "No. It's great!... But suppose a raider comes out on Blanco Diablo?" "I reckon that's the one weak place in my plan. I'm figgerin' they'll never think of that till it's too late.

So I hunted up a man who was in a hurry, and sold it to him for five hundred dollars. Then I hired one of these sail-rigged fishing boats and laid in grub for a week and went cruising out to sea five or six miles." Johnny opened one eye. "Why?" he demanded feebly. "I was figgerin' on meeting any old ship that came along a little before the crowd got at her," said Yank.

"Laddy, it's harder to get out at that end than here," he replied. "Shore that's hard enough. Let me have a look.... Well, boys, it don't take no figgerin' for this job. Jim, I'll want you at the other end blockin' the pass when we're ready to start." "When'll that be?" inquired Jim. "Soon as it's light enough in the mornin'. That Greaser outfit will hang till to-morrow.