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I remember the paradoxes and the aphorisms, if not the exact words, the glamour and the sentiment of a humour that was all thy own. Never didst thou laugh; no, not even when in discussing how silence might be rendered in music, thou didst say, with thy extraordinary Pyrenean accent, "Pour rendre le silence en musique il me faudrait trois orchestres militaires."

I remember the paradoxes and the aphorisms, if not the exact words, the glamour and the sentiment of a humour that was all thy own. Never didst thou laugh; no, not even when in discussing how silence might be rendered in music, thou didst say, with thy extraordinary Pyrenean accent, "Pour rendre le silence en music il me faudrait trois orchestres militaires."

Well, only fancy, perhaps I too accept God,” laughed Ivan; “that’s a surprise for you, isn’t it?” “Yes, of course, if you are not joking now.” “Joking? I was told at the elder’s yesterday that I was joking. You know, dear boy, there was an old sinner in the eighteenth century who declared that, if there were no God, he would have to be invented. S’il n’existait pas Dieu, il faudrait l’inventer.

Non, lui dis-je, des passe-ports Nous n'eumes jamais la folie. Il en faudrait, je crois, de forts Pour ressusciter a la vie De chez Pluton le roi des morts; Mais de l'empire germanique Au sejour galant et cynique De Messieurs vos jolis Francais, Un air rebondissant et frais, Une face rouge et bachique, Sont les passe-ports qu'en nos traits Vous produit ici notre clique.

Toutefois je dois vous prevenir que M. Alexandre Dumas, qui habite pres de Dieppe, et auquel j'avais demande de venir dejeuner ici l'un de ces jours, en lui laissant le choix du jour, m'annonce qu'il viendra dejeuner au chateau le jeudi 22. Le dejeuner est a onze heures et demie. Si vous desiriez le rencontrer il faudrait que vous partiez le matin de Dieppe.

Si Dieu n’existait pas, il faudrait l’inventer;” even persons fed on the mere whey and buttermilk of literature must know that in philosophy Voltaire was nothing if not a theistmust know that he wrote not against God, but against Jehovah, the God of the Jews, whom he believed to be a false Godmust know that to say Voltaire was an atheist on this ground is as absurd as to say that a Jacobite opposed hereditary monarchy because he declared the Brunswick family had no title to the throne.

"But if he has light enough for little objects and great too?" said Lady Cecilia, "I allow, 'qu'il faudrait plus d'un coeur pour aimer tant de choses a la fois; but as I really think Granville has more heart than is necessary, he can well afford to waste some of it, even on the old woman at Old Forest." One evening, Helen was looking over a beautiful scrap-book of Lady Cecilia's.

Ol' Chief wiped his eyes pathetically. Nicholas, the picture of despair, turned in a speechless appeal to his despised ambassador. Before anyone could speak, the door-knob rattled rudely, and the big bullet-head of a white man was put in. "Pardon, mon Père; cet homme qui vient de Minóok faudrait le coucher de suite mais , mon Dieu, ?"

Il aurait rencontre une punaise de bois en chemin, qu'il aurait parie sur le temps qu'il lui faudrait pour aller ou elle voudrait aller, et si vous l'aviez pris au mot, it aurait suivi la punaise jusqu'au Mexique, sans se soucier d'aller si loin, ni du temps qu'il y perdrait.

'Mais oui, Madame. Il faudrait le cacher un peu. 'Padding? Tiens! j'en ai deja. But if Mathilde were to put any more, there would be nothing else. One day, Marie, you see, there will be only my clothes left to walk about by their little selves! She smiled. The maid said nothing. She was on her knees buttoning her mistress's shoes. 'Now then fini!