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There was a good stretch of river-frontage, from which the crowd could watch the boats flash by; now the striped shirts shooting far ahead to the cry of "Bravo, Brazenose!" anon the glitter of a line of light-blue caps, as the Etonian crew answered to the call of their coxswain, and made a gallant attempt to catch their powerful opponents; while Radley, overmatched and outweighted, though by no means a bad crew, plodded hopelessly but pluckily in the rear.

Indeed an old Etonian, who still remembers with tenderness the sacred scene of youth, could scarcely do better than build a Gothic apartment for the reception of the collection. It cannot be doubted that the Provost and fellows would be gratified in granting a piece of ground for the purpose. Great were the obligations of Coningsby to this Eton Library.

Allen was much more angry than was usual with him, and the others, though laughing at his Etonian airs, fully sympathised with his wrath. "He ought to be served out." "We will serve him out!" "How?" "Get all our fellows and make a jolly good row under his windows," said Robin. "Decidedly low," said Allen. "And impracticable besides," said Bobus.

"I've a notion I could do with some breakfast and it occurred to me as you might like to buy me one in exchange for a perfectly good Etonian tie." For a space the driver examined Richard's necktie in thoughtful silence and his expression softened. "I reckon that 'ud suit me," he observed judicially.

But now it was that I was bidding farewell to Eton an eternal farewell! now it was that I felt "How dear the schoolboy spot, We ne'er forget, though there we are forgot." I had been an Etonian for ten lovely years, and what had I acquired?

But in the walk after tea, Anderson and Lady Merton drifted together. There had been so far a curious effort on both their parts to avoid each other's company. But now the Chief Justice and Delaine had foregathered; Philip was lounging and smoking on the balcony of the hotel with a visitor there, an old Etonian fishing and climbing in the Rockies for health, whom they had chanced upon at tea.

'God will give me men in His time; for could I be cut up into five pieces already I would be living at Nengone, Lifu, Mai, Mota, and Bauro! was the comment on this visit; and this need of men inspired a letter to his uncle Edward, on a day dear to the Etonian heart: 'Schooner "Dunedin," 60 tons. 'In sight of Erromango, New Hebrides: June 4, 1861.

"Certain of it." "What's your idea?" "He was very hungry eat everything put before him. I should say 'course it's only a guess " "Well?" "He'd gone a bit short and was wanting that meal." "Did he seem depressed?" "Not a bit. Rather amused. But it struck me when he got up he looked like a man saying goodbye to his mother." "How old should you think?" "Thirty-two or three." "Old Etonian tie?"

Once more the Etonian smote, and smote hard; but this ball was not quite the same as the first, although it appeared identical. The ball soared up and up. Would it fall over the ropes? Thousands of eyes watched its flight. Desmond started to run. Golconda to a sixpence on the fall! It is falling, falling, falling. "He'll never get there in time," says Charles Desmond.

Frank dismounted; the man held his pony; and after smoothing his cravat, the smart Etonian sauntered up to the door, and startled the solitude of the place with a loud peal from the modern brass knocker, a knock which instantly brought forth an astonished starling who had built under the eaves of the gable roof, and called up a cloud of sparrows, tomtits, and yellow-hammers, who had been regaling themselves amongst the litter of a slovenly farmyard that lay in full sight to the right of the house, fenced off by a primitive paintless wooden rail.