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Of this class there are many branches; but the one with which I have to deal at present is to be studied to most advantage by visiting some pier of the great river-frontage of New York, to which excursion-boats rush emulously at appointed hours, crossing and jostling each other with proper respect for their individual rights as free commoners of the well-tilled waters.

Its whole river-frontage is now occupied by a vast sand-bar, thickly covered with young trees a growth which will magnify itself into a dense forest by-and-bye, and completely hide the exiled town. In due time we passed Grand Gulf and Rodney, of war fame, and reached Natchez, the last of the beautiful hill-cities for Baton Rouge, yet to come, is not on a hill, but only on high ground.

This description applies to the river-frontage of the Six Jolly Fellowship Porters. The back of the establishment, though the chief entrance was there, so contracted that it merely represented in its connexion with the front, the handle of a flat iron set upright on its broadest end.

Its whole river-frontage is now occupied by a vast sand-bar, thickly covered with young trees a growth which will magnify itself into a dense forest by-and-bye, and completely hide the exiled town. In due time we passed Grand Gulf and Rodney, of war fame, and reached Natchez, the last of the beautiful hill-cities for Baton Rouge, yet to come, is not on a hill, but only on high ground.

Every town and village along that vast stretch of double river-frontage had a best dwelling, finest dwelling, mansion, the home of its wealthiest and most conspicuous citizen.

Every town and village along that vast stretch of double river-frontage had a best dwelling, finest dwelling, mansion, the home of its wealthiest and most conspicuous citizen.

There was a good stretch of river-frontage, from which the crowd could watch the boats flash by; now the striped shirts shooting far ahead to the cry of "Bravo, Brazenose!" anon the glitter of a line of light-blue caps, as the Etonian crew answered to the call of their coxswain, and made a gallant attempt to catch their powerful opponents; while Radley, overmatched and outweighted, though by no means a bad crew, plodded hopelessly but pluckily in the rear.