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'Oh, dunna look at me the like o' that, and dunna talk so stern, Ed'ard! 'I wasn't aware that I was stern. Edward's face was white. He looked down at her with an expression she could not gauge. For there, had come upon him, seeing her there again, so sweet in her dishevelment, so enchanting in her suppliance, the same temptation that tormented him on his wedding-day.

But she'll get over it. It takes a vast deal of grief to kill." "P'raps Marse Ed'ard ain't gwine ter die," said the old nurse, checking her sobs. "Dey does say Doctah Arthur kin 'most raise de dead." "Well, I'm sure I hope Mr. Travilla won't die," responded Miss Deane, "or prove to be permanently injured in any way.

"Of course we can find the sea-chest, you ninny," scolded Jack. "Dead or alive, Cap'n Ed'ard Teach flew away with it afore now," was Joe's rejoinder. "He was a master one at black magic." "Don't chatter like an idiot," spoke up Uncle Peter who was wildly brushing the mosquitoes from a sun-blistered nose. "My faith, I cannot understand how you lads got out of this swamp alive.

These were not easily disposed of; the good Captain being a mighty slow, gruff reader, and frequently stopping at a hard word to give himself such encouragement as Now, my lad! With a will! or, 'Steady, Ed'ard Cuttle, steady! which had a great effect in helping him out of any difficulty. Moreover, his spectacles greatly interfered with his powers of vision.

"The advice was good, for at that moment Nelson opened furiously on the quarter-master at the conn. 'I'll knock you off your perch, you rascal, if you are so inattentive. Sir Ed'ard, send your best quarter-master to the weather wheel. "'A strange sail a-head of the chase! called the look-out man. "'Youngster, to the mast-head. What! going without your glass, and be d d to you?

Now, what is your opinion, Bunsby, as to stowing of these here papers away again, and marking outside as they was opened, such a day, in the presence of John Bunsby and Ed'ard Cuttle?

Mr Carker, said the Captain, in the goodness of his nature, 'when I was here last, we was very pleasant together. If I ain't been altogether so pleasant myself this morning, on account of this poor lad, and if I have chafed again any observation of yours that I might have fended off, my name is Ed'ard Cuttle, and I ask your pardon.

'Edward, I am sure, thinks as I do. 'Gospel? 'Do not be irreverent. 'I dunna think you know what Ed'ard thinks as well as me. 'Don't say "dunna," Hazel. Of course, I know what Edward thinks a great deal better than you. I've known him all his life. Afterwards, when Mrs. Marston was not in the room, Martha said in her contemptuous tones: 'I s'pose you know, Mrs. Ed'ard, how he's going on?

Now and then he shook his head, went to the door to see if his master was coming, and shook it again. A friend came up. 'Why did the gaffer muck up the race? he asked. 'Why, asked Vessons, with a far-off gaze, 'did 'Im as made the 'orld put women in? Outside things were going more to his liking than he knew. 'What's the good of keeping on, Mr. Reddin? I told 'ee I was promised to Ed'ard.

The prostrate larches shone as whitely as her shoulder did through her torn gown. She remembered Edward's look, and wept again. 'What is it now? he asked. 'I was i' this place afore the bluebells died, along with Ed'ard. 'Why d'you say the man's name like that? It's no better than other names.