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Never mind Il Duca, or the tales they foolishly whisper of him. Here you may be as safe and happy as in Chicago which is America." He turned to his horses and urged them up a slope. The girls and Uncle John eyed one another enquiringly. "Our duke seems to bear no good reputation," said Beth, in a tone so low that Frascatti could not overhear. "Everyone fears to speak of him."

The Duca, indeed, found some consolation in the delicious mountain trout, the tender lamb, the perfect salad, and the fine old malvoisie, for he liked good things and appreciated them; but the Duchessa's nature was more austerely indifferent to the taste of what she ate, while her love of established law insisted with equal austerity that any food, good or bad, should be brought before her in a certain way, by a certain number of men, arrayed in coats of a certain cut, and shaven till their faces shone like marble.

For, although they dared not interfere to protect the victims of the terrible Il Duca, the hotel people fully recognized the fact that brigandage was not a good advertisement for Taormina, and hoped the "little incident" would not become generally known. Old Silas Watson, dignified lawyer as he was, actually danced a hornpipe when he beheld his old friend safe and sound.

"Not if he is Duca di Crinola. I don't think we could get on with a real duke. I don't know how it will turn out. If he chooses to remain an Englishman he can't take the title. If he chooses to take the title he must be an Italian, then he'll have nothing to live on. My belief is we shan't see him any more. I wish it had been Crocker with all my heart."

A man in Lord Persiflage's position will, of course, be delighted to welcome the the Duca di Crinola." He shrank as though he feared that Roden would strike him but he uttered the words. "Of course, if you choose to annoy me, I cannot well help myself," said Roden as he left the room. On his first arrival at the Castle things were allowed to go quietly with him. Every one called him "Mr. Roden."

A certain Jacopo Frontoni, that hath his abode somewhere near the arsenal?" "Cospetto! Signor' Duca, the man is as well known to us gondoliers as the bridge of the Rialto! Your eccellenza has no need to trouble yourself to describe him." Don Camillo Monforte was searching among the papers of a secretaire.

"One of your Spanish relations," said the Duca, with anxious eyes. "Surely, she was here " "And is away just now," suggested his wife. "That accounts for " "Not at all," said Veronica, almost laughing. "She never existed. I came here alone, I live here alone, and I mean to live here alone as long as I please. The world may say what it pleases.

One of the first statements that Cæsar was his brother's murderer is found in a despatch of the Ferrarese ambassador at Venice. De novo ho inteso, como de la morte del Duca di Candia fo causa el Cardinale suo fratello. Pigna's despatch to Ercole, Venice, February 22, 1498. Stor. It.

"The Duca," no doubt had been his most intimate friend, so he still declared, but in such an emergency he did not know how to address "the Duca." But he bethought himself of Lord Hampstead, of that hunting acquaintance, with whom his intercourse had been so pleasant and so genial, and he made a journey down Hendon. Lord Hampstead at this time was living there all alone.

Nearly every member was possessed of either grand titles before his name, or of grand letters after it. Something was said by Vivian to George Roden as to this club. But no actual suggestion was made, and certainly no assent was given. There it was, so that all the world would declare that the young "Duca" was the "Duca."