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"I am no stranger to the habit thy Venetian nobles have of coming to that low colonnade at this hour, but I never before heard of their preferring the waters of the Giudecca for their baths." "Were even the doge to throw himself out of a gondola, he must sink or swim, like a meaner Christian." "Acqua dell' Adriatico! Was the young duca going to the Redentore, too, to say his prayers?"

"I don't quite know why you couldn't do it," said Sir Boreas, when Roden put it to him whether it would be practicable that a young man calling himself Duca di Crinola should take his place as a clerk in Mr. Jerningham's room. It may be remembered that Sir Boreas had himself expressed some difficulty in the matter. He had told Mr.

It is recorded that for the space of a year only three of its inhabitants remained within the walls. I may refer to Dr. Corio, p. 301, mentions by name Giovanni da Pusterla and Bertolino del Maino as 'lacerati da i cani del Duca. Members of the families of these men afterwards helped to kill him. Beatrice di Tenda, the wife of Facino Cane, was twenty years older than the Duke of Milan.

But then there were other reasons why she should not wish it to be true. In the first place she hated them both. Let the man be Duca di Crinola as much as he might, he would still have been a Post Office clerk, and Lady Frances would have admitted his courtship having believed him at the time to have been no more than a Post Office clerk.

It was wonderfully dramatic and effective. Il Duca shrank back, scowling, for he had no weapon at hand. Leaning against the entrance to his valley he glared around to determine the number of his foes and the probable chance of defeating them. Kenneth laughed boyishly at his discomfiture.

Pesaro now belonged to her brother Cæsar, and he had given orders that his sister should be royally received in all the cities she visited in his domain. A hundred children clad in his colors yellow and red with olive branches in their hands, greeted her at the gates of Pesaro with the cry, "Duca! Duca! Lucretia! Lucretia!" and the city officials accompanied her to her former residence.

Still, it seemed, they did not hear him; for though to us they appeared to be almost silent, yet there was a rustle and stir amongst them, which must have deafened each to what was being announced. They renewed their cries of "Duca!" of "Spaniards!" and "To arms!" "A curse on your 'Spaniards!" cried Malvicini. "Here! Take your Duke. Look at him, and understand."

I finished an edition of the Physical Sciences, at which I had been working, and in spring Somerville hired a small house belonging to the Duca Sforza Cesarini, at Genzano, close to and with a beautiful view of the Lake of Nemi; but as I had not seen my son for some time, I now availed myself of the opportunity of travelling with our friend Sir Frederick Adam to England.

I am thinking now in a great measure as to the welfare of my own relative, Lady Frances. Something will have to be done. I don't quite see my way as yet; but something, no doubt, will be done. The Duca di Crinola will, I have no doubt, find fitting employment." Then a little bell was rung, and Vivian, the private secretary, came into the room.

The Padrone approached aristocratically. "The Marchese Isidoro Panacci is here dining with friends, the Duca di " "Yes, yes. But I am only here for a moment, so it is not worth while to tell the Marchese." "You are not going to dine, Signora! The food of Frisio does not please you!" He cast up his eyes in deep distress. "Indeed it does. But I have dined.