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The Philharmonic Concerts were excellent for scientific musicians, and I sometimes went to them; but for my part I infinitely preferred hearing Pasta, Malibran, and Grisi, who have left the most vivid impression on my mind, although so different from each other. Somerville enjoyed a comic opera exceedingly, and so did I; and at that time Lablache was in the height of his fame.

The boy was close by my side, when, startled at a noise, he turned round and exclaimed "Oh! look, mamma; look, papa; there are a lady and a gentleman a-riding." I turned round, and saw Mr Somerville and Emily on horseback, within six paces of me; so still they stood, so mute, I could have fancied Emily a wax-work figure.

I suppose you have not forgotten that." John Somerville deliberated. Should he deny it or not? He decided to put a bold face on the matter. "I remember it," said he, "and now recall your features. How have you fared since the time I employed you? Have you found your business profitable?" "Far from it," answered Peg. "We are not yet able to retire on a competence."

Somerville, to whose good generalship during the past four years the success of the association was in a large part due. Mrs. Lily Wilkinson Thompson was elected president. In response to the call to take part in the parade in Washington March 3, 1913, Mrs.

They seem to have had enough tea and trash; you'd better be looking after Kate, I think." Miss Cookumwell smiled, rose, and left the room to obey; Mrs. Taddipopple followed to help, and soon returned with Kate, whom they delivered up to her father at the door. Mr. Kennedy led her to the upper end of the room; Harry Somerville stood by her side, as if by magic; Mr.

We'll begin by having him heah to dinneh this evening, him and the otheh young man what's his name? Adams." And the upshot of the matter was a dainty note which found its way by the hands of the private-car porter to Winton, laboring manfully at his task of repairing the landslide damages. "Mr. Somerville Darrah's compliments to Mr. John Winton and Mr.

'Where'd we be at all if it wasn't for the Colonel's Big Lady? said the hungry country-women, in the Bad Times, scurrying, barefooted, to her in any emergency to be fed and doctored and scolded." So writes Miss Somerville of her mother; so might Martin Ross have written of her father, who was, so far as in him lay, a Providence for his tenantry. Yet there is a story told of Mr.

These were, indeed, not fit for perusal at Somerville and Balliol. The danger had been that Somerville and Balliol, till they knew you well, should not know you knew it. Oh God, Jane had cried within herself, not that; anything but that; and firmly she and Johnny had told her mother that already there were Keddy, and Sinister Street, and The Pearl, and The Girls of St. Mrs.

Hazleby was silent for a few moments, when, as they came in sight of what was passing at the top of the hill, she saw a gentleman hasten across the church-yard, and asked who he was. 'Mr. Somerville, the new curate, was the answer. 'What! another curate? I thought Mr. Walker might have been enough! exclaimed Mrs. Hazleby. 'Papa did not think so, said Elizabeth drily.

At this point poor Harry's powers of speech again failed; so being utterly unable to express another idea, he suddenly threw his arms round her, and pressed her fervently to his bosom. Kate was taken quite aback by this summary method of coming to the point. Repulsing him energetically, she exclaimed, while she blushed crimson. "O Harry Mr Somerville!" and burst into tears.