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You have taken my fancy; and if you will have me for a wife, only say the word. Answer me quickly, and if you are a man of sense, only wait, and you shall see what a life we shall lead." Astonished as he was at Carducha's boldness, Andrew nevertheless answered her with the promptitude she desired, "Señora doncella, I am under promise to marry, and we gitanos intermarry only with gitanas.

Several weeks before Donna Sophonisba had received a letter sent from Flanders, and Ulrich's companion was well informed, for his wife served the baroness as 'doncella'. Joyously, almost beside himself with pure, heart-cheering delight, the released prisoner hurried away, bought himself a new cap, and then sought the Alcazar.

The doncella of the thimble stopped them for a moment, saying to Preciosa, "Tell me my fortune, or give me back my thimble, for I have not another to work with."

One of the damsels present, seeing the penury of the house, said to Preciosa, "Niña, will it be of any use to make the cross with a silver thimble?" "Certainly," said Preciosa; "the best crosses in the world are made with silver thimbles, provided there are plenty of them." "I have one," said the doncella; "if that is enough, here it is, on condition that my fortune be told too."

Under the dread of a common danger, the white doncella and the dusky damsel forget the difference in the colour of their skins; and for the first time feel themselves sisters in the true sisterhood of humanity. Simultaneous with the scene in the square marquee a dialogue is taking place within the conical tent, the speakers being Uraga and Roblez.

VECINA. Ya lo supongo ... ¿qué habían ustedes de oír?... si es una grandísima embustera ... muy tonta y muy presumida ... sin que yo sepa en qué se funda ... porque al cabo, ¿qué ha sido antes de casarse? ¿doncella en casa de un consejero?

Some hours before the time at which his return could reasonably be looked for, she had taken her post at the window, and although, at the persuasion of her attendant, a simple country girl, recently installed as her donçella, she had more than once endeavoured to fix her attention on a book, or to distract it by some of her usual occupations, the effort had each time been made in vain, and she had again resumed her anxious watch.

VECINA. Soy la Nicolasa, señora ... la mujer del guarda de a caballo ... que vive en ese otro cuarto ... ya se ve ... su señoría no se acordará de ... porque nunca me ha visto ... o por mejor decir nunca me ha mirado a la cara, cuando me ha encontrado al subir o bajar del coche ... aunque yo saludo siempre ... pero doña Manuela la doncella me conoce muy bien ... y le habrá hablado de a su señoría ... toma si le habrá hablado muchas veces ... como que por ella me tomó su señoría el otro día aquella pieza de batista.

Several weeks before Donna Sophonisba had received a letter sent from Flanders, and Ulrich's companion was well informed, for his wife served the baroness as 'doncella'. Joyously, almost beside himself with pure, heart-cheering delight, the released prisoner hurried away, bought himself a new cap, and then sought the Alcazar.

Y bien, también yo he sido doncella, si vamos a eso ... en casa de un covachuelista ... y un consejero y un covachuelo allá se van ... los dos tienen usía ... conque diga usted, vecina, ¿acabó usted con mi candelero? DOÑA MATILDE. , señora, aquí está ... y muchas gracias....