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"Having, therefore, had the necessary means of educating a son for the church, he has accordingly prepared this young man with much anxiety and expense for Maynooth." "Plase your lordship," said Denis, "Docthor Finnerty is clothin' it betther than I could do. My heart is fixed upon seein' him what we all expect him to be, your lordship." "Mr.

"Don't bother us, Pether, with your arguing to-night," said Father Ned, "it's enough for you to be seven days in the week at your disputations. Sir, I drink to our better acquaintance." "With all my heart, sir," replied the stranger. "Father Ned," said Nancy, "the gintleman was going to tell us a sthrange story, sir, and maybe your Reverence would wish to hear it, docthor?"

"Ah, Docthor," said Ned, "it's a great thing entirely to be born of the true church one's always sure, then." "Ay, ay; you may say that, Ned," returned the priest, "come or go what will, a man's always safe at the long run, except he dies without his clargy. Shane, hand me the jug, if you please. Where did you get this stuff, Nancy? faith, it's excellent."

Phil was standing on the lowermost bunk, offering the first tribute, a pint pannikin of steaming hot grog. ''Tis the thing the docthor orthered, said Ryan, with timorous humour, fearing an ungenerous response.

Didn't Biddy say she'd swear she heard him say he'd do it? and av he wouldn't boggle about his own sisther, it's little he'd mind what he'd do to an out an out inemy like Misther Martin." "Warn't that a knock at the hall-door, Sally?" "Run and see, girl; may-be it's the docthor back again; only mostly he don't mind knocking much."

I understand that Docthor Scareman isn't likely to have a family. Now, ahagur, if you spake, I'm done, that's all." Having been then called away to make arrangements necessary to Lucy's. comfort, their dialogue was terminated before she could worm out of Alley the cause of her mistress's visit. "She's a cunnin' ould hag," said the latter, when the other had gone.

What's the world widout a joke, Docthor? beggin' your pardon for makin' so free wid you." "Peter, you're still a wag," replied the priest; "but, seriously, Mrs. Connell, have you selected any female, of respectable connections, as a likely person to be a wife for Dan?" "Indeed no, your Reverence, I have not.

* Herb-Men of Darby's cast were often in the habit of collecting rare medicinal plants for the apothecaries; and not bad botanists some of them were. "Darby, achora," said Mrs. Reillaghan, "don't crass the gintleman, an' him sthrivin' to do his best. Here, Paddy Gormly, bring some wather till the docthor washes his hands."

Yes! haggard, wild, yet weak and trembling, he staggered into the room, and, sinking on a seat, in a voice husky and hoarse said "Docthor! oh, docthor, you won't refuse to come! It's thrue he was my brother but I had not I had not oh no no I had it not in my heart to murdher him! My brother is dyin'. Oh, come, docthor! come to my brother, he's dyin', and 'twas I that struck, the blow."

'Is that ground? sez he; an' while I was thinkin' his mind was goin', up comes the docthor, who'd been anatomisin' a dead bullock. Love-o'-Women starts to go on quick, an' lands me a kick on the knee while his legs was gettin' into marchin' ordher. "Hould on there, sez the docthor; an' Love-o'-Women's face, that was lined like a gridiron, turns red as brick.