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And alvays I see my own hungry! I dink I could kill myself; but dat helps not, and I go avay, oh, eferyvere about New York, and beg for vork. And den eferyvere it iss said, 'He is a tramp, and alvays dey tell me, 'No, ve gif not to tramps. Go to vere you came from. I say, 'I am not tramps. My children are hungry. Gif me vork: I vant to eat for dem not money, but to eat if you vill.

When he got there he ran into a reporter named Fritsch, who worked on a German newspaper. "Dot inventor vos mofed avay," said the German reporter. "Some beoples told me he vos krazy." "Is the house vacant?" asked Larry. "I dink so. Maype ve walk through him, yah?" Larry was willing, and together the pair went into the tenement and upstairs.

"I don't blame him for playing a trick on old Sharp, but to lay the blame on Tom why, that's different." "Will you come along?" "If you want me to." "I don't want to drag you into trouble, Max." "I dink I can take care of myself," answered the German-American student. The pair passed around to the rear of the spot where Flockley and his cronies were located.

A year ago his little home was first invaded by the flood, and himself and wife, and his son's family, were driven from it to the hills for safety but the old man's telling of the story can not be improved upon. It ran like this: "Last year, ven I svwim out fon dot leedle home off mine, mit my vife, unt my son, his vife unt leedle girls, I dink dot's der last time goot-by to dose proberty!

"Sounds shady, very shady. Evidently this Dink is a bad 'un, but who is employing you on this case?" "Nobody. I'm just on my own, but I can't sit still and see two clever little kids done out of home and mother and maybe a fortune just because nobody makes it his business to dig out the evidence.

Wasn't quite O. K. of her to listen to the knocks that er Dink Pawson kept giving you." "Pink Dawson!" a world of contempt would be in Johnny's tones "Poor white trash! That's what he was. Had five hundred acres of farming land, though; and that counted. Maybe I'll have a chance to get back at him some day. The Dawsons weren't anybody. Everybody in Alabama knows the Atwoods.

Admiral van der Kuylen nudged his lordship, a humourous twinkle in his blue eyes. "His bolitics are fery sound, I dink," he growled. His lordship's smile brought lines like gashes into his leathery cheeks. "'Slife! hadn't you heard? Where the devil have you been at all?" "Out of touch with the world for the last three months," said Blood. "Stab me! You must have been.

Der Grasshopper is a goot leedle monoplane, but I am afraid dat some of der principles I have worked oud in her iss all wrong. Some day I break mein neck by der outside I am afraid much." "Why you've done some good flying in the Grasshopper," consoled Harry. "Ches, she is a goot leedle ship, bud she vont vin dees race, I dink. By der vay, boys, I have been meaning to warn you aboud dot Frenchman."

"When men git to quarrellin' about timber, you never can tell where they'll stop, Mrs. Jack. I've knowed some wild times in the woods in the past." The man in the dink was Lefty Howe. He pulled in beside the float. When he stepped up on the planks, he limped perceptibly. "Land alive, what happened yuh, Lefty?" his wife cried. "Got a rap on the leg with a peevy," he said. "Nothin' much."

In imagination Peter felt long, strong, slim fingers grabbing him by the collar of his little jacket. Dink had caught him in that manner in days gone by and shaken him and slapped him even pinched him with those long, strong fingers. She would do it again. She would surely get him. Good-bye to the sand pile and three meals a day! Good-bye to dear Mrs.